The M Arch I program is a NAAB-accredited professional degree that is open to students from ALL undergraduate backgrounds. No previous architecture experience is required to apply. At the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, the premiere public school of architecture in Manhattan, our programs are shaped by the diversity of our students, the inventive research of our faculty, and multidisciplinary collaborations. We prepare students to become engaged designers and to apply an expansive set of skills to address pressing social, cultural, environmental, and professional challenges. With a rigorous foundation in the core competencies of building design, history, critical thinking, material assembly, structures, and urban analysis, and with an emphasis on agility and creativity, we aim to educate the next generation of innovators redefining the role of the Architect in the 21st century. Join us!
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Empowering Architectural Visionaries Through Extended Studios: Only here at CCNY
public accredited masters-level programs in New York State.
BlackVisionaries grant received by Professor Jerome Haferd.
2023 Best Value Architecture Master's Degree Schools in New York.
winners of the 2023 course development prize in architecture, climate change, and society.
Student Info
Our graduates are largely employed in professional architecture roles, mostly in the New York City region, where opportunities are vast. They work in all types of firms and agencies: public and private sector; from small "boutique" firms to some of the largest firms in the world. The M Arch program is NAAB-accredited, a qualification for professional licensure in the U.S.; it is also STEM categorized, of benefit to international applicants.
Faculty Info
The Architecture Dept has 26 full-time faculty and a rotating roster of around 60 adjuncts, all of whom offer courses that M Arch and MS Arch students might take. Faculty typically have either a PhD or a professional masters degree and a professional license in architecture, landscape architecture, or urban planning. Our adjuncts, many of whom are graduates of Spitzer at CCNY, are drawn from the rich pool of talent in New York City.

Curricular Innovation
Our program invests in extended studios as the vehicle of thought, learning, and change. First is a foundation year of knowledge and skill building, followed by vertically integrated, comprehensive studio-plus-seminar pairings, each led by two or three faculty members. Our project-focused format provides a place — a scaffold — to engage these questions within the context of an architectural studio project. New York City serves as our open library, our lab, our inspiration, our call to change, our call to keep up with change and invites us to participate, to lead, and to contribute to discussions of the shaping, and re-shaping, of our shared built environment.
Admissions Facts
Total Credits: 90
GRE Required: No
Minimum Language Test Scores: 550 (TOEFL PBT),79-80 (TOEFL IBT), 6.5 (IELTS), or 105 (Duolingo English Test)
Degree Awarded: M.Arch
Supporting Documents Required:
- Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended
- 2 letters of recommendation
- Resume/CV
- Personal Statement
- Portfolio: A portfolio of creative work is required for all Spitzer School applicants. The portfolio should reflect your level of creative aptitude and ability and provide evidence of your creative process and can include drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, graphic design, furniture design, photography, crafts, or other types of work. Your portfolio should be a single file (PDF preferred). There is no maximum or minimum page count or project count. Submit your portfolio file at
Additional Requirements: Admitted applicants to the M.Arch I program are required to have completed one semester of both college level precalculus and preferably with grades of B or higher. If these courses are to be taken after the application deadline, indicate on the application where and when the courses will be taken.
Program Director: Professor June Williamson,
Admissions Contact: Hannah Borgeson,
For more information, please visit the Program Website.
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Last Updated: 09/25/2024 16:13