National Condom Day Distribution Day
Stop by to get FREE and DISCREET safe sex supply kits and learn what STI and sexual health resources are available to you at CCNY and around NYC! Volunteer opportunities available to make and distribute kits!
Please fill out this form to volunteer for EITHER or BOTH assembling kits on 2/8/24 and distributing kits on 2/14/24 for National Condom Day.
Kit assembly location: CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B)
Kit assembly timeframe: 12PM - 2PM
Kit distribution location: NAC Rotunda (2nd floor between the cafe and library by the escalators) - we will have a tabling and will be tabling alongside Gender Resources as they are also distributing sexual health information and other off-campus resources
Kit distribution timeframe: 11AM - 3PM
If you have any questions, please email us at