Here we will share lists of faculty, staff, and administrators who wish to be known as either out LGBTQ+ identifying individuals or allies!
Starting in Winter 2022, we will also have a separate list of upcoming Winter Session 2022 and Spring Semester 2022 courses that include LGBTQIA+ topics, case studies, and content.
Starting in Spring 2022, we will also have a separate list of all faculty, staff, and administrators who have undertaken CCNY or CUNY Safe Zone training. Participants in these trainings will also receive a certificate, an optional virtual Safe Zone logo they may display on their work web pages, and a LGBTQ+ Student Center Safe Zone magnet to display on their office doors.
Interested in taking part in our spring 2022 Safe Zone trainings? Please reach out to us at %4cG%42TQ@ccny.cun" rel="nofollow"> and also check our Events Calendar for CUNY wide virtual Safe Zone training options.
Please follow the links in the drop-down menu above to learn more
Last Updated: 01/07/2022 12:12