
Admissions to the B.S. in Early Childhood Program

Unlike other majors across the college and university, enrolling in the education major, even as an undergraduate, requires a formal admissions process that is distinct from your acceptance to the college or university. Similar admission processes are required for accredited schools of education across the U.S. 

Until you are admitted, you won’t be able to take classes in the major.  

These are 5 major criteria you need for successful admission: professional dispositions, a minimum of a 2.8 GPA requirement, a coursework requirement, an admission test, and an admission interview. Find out the answers to three frequently asked questions.


1. What would be helpful for me to know about the admissions test? 
  • You are required to take the School of Education Admission Test (SEAT Exam) and pass both the multiple-choice section and the essay.
  • The passing score is 57.
  • Students can attempt the test a total of three times.
  • You must produce a passing score no later than your interview date.

2. What courses do I have to take before my admission interview?

We strongly recommend that you complete your Pathways courses and as many concentration courses as possible before your admission interview to enable you to focus on your teaching methods courses. You must have taken all of the following courses:

  • IAS 10000 Writing for Interdisciplinary Studies 1
  • IAS 10100 Writing for Interdisciplinary Studies 2
  • IAS 10400 Core Science1 or IAS 10500 Core Science 2
  • SOC 38144 - Sociology of Education
  • EDCE 20604  ECE 1 Theories of Development Applied to Early Childhood Practice
  • EDCE 20614  ECE 2 Development, Assessment, Teaching, and Learning
  • One American History course or American Government and Politics course
  • One additional social science course (e.g. anthropology, sociology, economics, etc) or an appropriate interdisciplinary course.

You are required to earn a grade of A, B, or C in each of these courses. Transfer courses can be used to meet the coursework requirement as long as required grades are met. 

3. What should I expect in my admissions interview?

Faculty in the ECE Program will interview you in small groups. Interviews take place during the spring semester only, in March and/or April. The interview process is about three hours long and includes engaging in conversation, writing an essay, and participating in interactive educational experiences. The faculty are looking to see your knowledge, dispositions, and your desire to join this professional field of early childhood educators.

The ECE Program confers a professional credential that leads to New York State certification. Admission interviews are standard for professional degree programs.

4. What are my next steps for further information about admission to the program?

The ECE advisor reviews the transcripts of students who are ECE pre-majors for the admission criteria for the program. Students who meet all requirements for admission will receive an email from the ECE Program Director with an admission interview date.

Last Updated: 12/20/2024 23:09