Wireless Network Access Policy

The City College provides wireless network access to all active students, faculty, staff and authorized guests. Users can log in to CCNY’s wireless network using their CCNY email id and password.

Wireless Access Procedure


1.0   Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance to users when connecting to the City College of New York (CCNY) wireless networks and the eduroam wireless services, which is available on CCNY campuses. Additionally, it identifies the entities authorized to use the campus wireless network and conditions of permissible usage. This procedure aims to protect the integrity of the campus network infrastructure and to comply with all CUNY procedures.

2.0   Scope

This procedure applies to all CCNY faculty, staff, students, CUNY affiliates, and visitors sponsored by CCNY affiliates, who access the CCNY wireless networks. This procedure also covers wireless capable devices used to connect to CCNY wireless network, including eduroam. This includes but is not limited to computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

3.0   Procedure

The Office of Information Technology provides wireless network access to the following entities:

  • All active CCNY students, faculty, and staff
  • CCNY affiliates. For example: Foundation, Auxiliary, Research Foundation, Children Center
  • Visitors sponsored by CCNY affiliates
  • CUNY affiliates through the eduroam wireless network using CUNY Frist login ID
  • Other institutions’ users through eduroam


Users must adhere to the CUNY Acceptable Use of Computer Resources Policy.

In order to connect to the wireless network, a properly configured wireless 802.11g/n/ac/ax network adapter is needed. 

The CCNY wireless networks work with most laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices that support standard networking protocols with no additional hardware or software. 

Installation of unauthorized wireless access points, wireless routers or repeaters are not permitted, and the Office of Information Technology (OIT) reserves the right to disconnect such devices from the network.

Users are expected to secure their devices from security threats when they are using wireless network services. 

Computers must have active antivirus software installed and antivirus signature files and software and operating system security patches must be kept up to date. 

Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as personal assistance (Amazon Echo, Google Home), sensors, gadgets, appliances and other machines that collect and exchange data over the Internet are not permitted in the wireless network.

OIT reserves the right to block or disconnect non-compliant devices from the CCNY wireless networks, including eduroam.  Users using the wireless network should also use secure remote access procedures.

CCNY is not liable for the consequences of wireless network use in any way, including the transmission of computer viruses, loss of data or e-mail, or any harm resulting from the use of an unsecured network server or network access point.

Faculty, Staff, and CCNY Affiliates

Faculty and Staff can log in to the “ccny-wifi” wireless network using their CCNY username and password.

CCNY affiliates can log in to the “ccny-wifi” wireless network using the CCNY username, and password.

Faculty, Staff, and CCNY affiliates can connect up to four (4) devices simultaneously.


Students can log in to “ccny-wifi” wireless network using their Citymail username and password.

Printing from the wireless network is provided through our Print Management system, PaperCut. 

Students can connect up to three (3) devices simultaneously.


CCNY users are advised that using the eduroam wireless network while on campus does not grant access to secured CCNY data resources; to obtain access to these resources they should instead use the ccny-wifi network.

Users affiliated with other CUNY institutions can connect to “eduroam” wireless network using their CUNYfirst login username and password.

Users from institutions with an active eduroam agreement can connect to the “eduroam” wireless network. Users should contact their institution to obtain login credentials.

Eduroam users can connect up to two (2) devices simultaneously.


Visitors may use the “ccny-guest” wireless network to gain internet access.

To obtain guest wireless network access, visitors are required  to provide a valid email and mobile telephone number to register to receive credentials to login to guest wireless network.

Visitors can connect up to two (2) devices simultaneously.


For technical support questions or assistance, contact the CCNY Service Desk  (212) 650-7878, servicedesk@ccny.cuny.edu .

Most laptops are equipped with a wireless network adapter. Our wireless Access Points are compatible with adapters 802.11g or newer.

4.0   Definitions of Key Terms

Eduroam: a global Wi-Fi internet access roaming service for users affiliated with participating research and higher education institutions. When visiting an institution other than their own, users are authenticated with credentials from their home institution.

Internet of Things (IoT): the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with hardware and software that enables these objects to connect to the internet and exchange data.

Service Set Identifier (SSID): refers to a wireless network name. When you are looking for available wireless network nearby a location, you are looking at a list of SSIDs.

5.0   Reference and Related Documents

CUNY Acceptable Use of Computer Resources Policy - https://support.ccny.cuny.edu/pdf/Policy_on_Acceptable_Use_of_Computer_Resources-CUNY.pdf

CUNY Information Technology Security Procedures ‐ https://www.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/page-assets/about/administration/offices/cis/information-security/security-policies-procedures/IT-Security-Procedures-6-25-2014.pdf

IT Security Procedures - Wireless Network Security, #2009-01 - https://www.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/page-assets/about/administration/offices/cis/information-security/security-policies-procedures/CUNY_Wireless_Security.pdf

CUNY Eduroam - https://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/cis/technology-services/eduroam/

Eduroam – https://eduroam.org/

CCNY Password Reset ‐ Reset Form - http://reset.ccny.cuny.edu


How to connect to “ccny‐wifi”


  1. Go to the Settings
  2. Tap on Wi‐Fi
  3. Enter Citymail credentials

Username: Citymail username
Password: Citymail password


  • EAP method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
  • CA certificate: Do not validate/Do not check
  • Identity: Citymail username (NOT @citymail.cuny.edu)
  • Anonymous identity: Blank
  • Password: Citymail password


Dear Campus Community,

The Office of Information Technology is happy to announce the availability of eduroam on our campus.

Eduroam is a global Wi-Fi internet access roaming service for users affiliated with participating research and higher education institutions. When visiting an institution other than their own, users are authenticated with credentials from their home institution.

This wireless service is now available to all CUNY students, faculty and staff. We advise all our students, faculty and staff, to take advantage of the eduroam wireless service, weather you are studying, attending meetings, or doing research. You can easily connect using your CUNYfirst login credentials ( firstname.lastname##@login.cuny.edu ) when visiting other CUNY campuses or institutions with active eduroam agreement, without having to request guest access.

Note: City College students, faculty and staff should not connect to eduroam while on CCNY campuses, as this wireless network will not provide access to secure City College data resources. To access these resources, City College students, faculty and staff should continue connecting to the “ccny-wifi” wireless, and only connect to eduroam while visiting other institutions.


  • For one-time procedure to connect your device, visit the CUNY eduroam web page.
  • For a list of CUNY campuses with eduroam, visit the CUNY eduroam web page.
  • For general information about the eduroam service, visit the eduroam website, or see the eduroam FAQs.
  • For the list of universities with eduroam Wi-Fi hotspots, visit the Where can I eduroam? web page, or download the eduroam companion app from the Apple App Store and Google Play.

If you have any questions or need assistance with connecting, please visit our Service Desk in NAC 1/301 or email us at serviced%65%73k@ccny.cuny.edu " rel="nofollow"> servicedesk@ccny.cuny.edu .

The Office of Information Technology

Last Updated: 07/18/2023 09:46