Beginning Spring 2025, The City University of New York (CUNY) is transitioning from our current Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard, to Brightspace. This LMS improves student engagement and provides a variety of resources to instructors as they teach. Not all instructors will choose to use it and therefore students must ask their instructors if they will use Brightspace.
LMS Course Enrollment Request (faculty/staff only)
To access Brightspace you need a CUNY Login account. To claim CUNY Login account, click here
To access Brightspace:
- Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are the most compatible browser to use.
- If you use a public computer (e.g. in a computer lab), make sure to close all browser windows after logging out of Brightspace.
- As a precaution, save your work frequently while entering text, e.g., by using "copy-and-paste" and (for faculty) attaching files to "items" rather than entering longer text directly via the text editor (this is the recommended practice).
- If you do not see your course, please check with your instructor as to whether it is active. Courses will not show on Brightspace for students, if faculty do not make them active.
- Make sure your Citymail account is the preferred email in CUNYfirst. Otherwise, you will not receive emails sent by your instructor. See link below, “Brightspace User Guide for Students”, for step-by-step instructions on how to change your email account
Brightspace Resources for Students: Brightspace Resources for Students (NAC 1/301)
Brightspace Resources for Faculty: Teaching Learning Center (TLC) (NAC 4/220), offers faculty support and training via One-on-one Brightspace Consultation and Workshops as well as online documentation.
Last Updated: 02/03/2025 09:35