

  1. Optical Biopsy identification and grading of gliomas using ladel-free visible resonace Raman Spectroscopy,Journal of Biomedical Optics, Yan Zhou, Cheng-Hui Liu, Binlin Wu, Xinguang Yu, Gangge. Cheng,Ke Zhu, Kai Wang, Chunyuan Zhang Mingyue Zhao, Rui Zong, Lin Zhang, Lingyan shi, Robert Alfano, (2019), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.24.9.095001.

  2. Majorana Vortex Photons a Form of Entangled Photons Propagation through Brain tissue, Journal of Biophotonics, 2019 Robert Alfano, Sandra Mamani, Lingyan Shi, Daniel Nolan. Doi:10.1002/jbio.201900036.

  3. Twisted light transfers OAM and SAM to electrons in a GaAs photocathode, Robert Alfano, Laura A. Sordillo, Sandra Mamani, Mikhail Sharonov. Proc. SPIE 10935, complex Light and optical Forces XIII, 109351P (1st March 2019), doi: 10.1117/12.2514646

  4. Alzheimer’s disease: Label-free florescence showa increases in indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO) or tryptophan 2, 3-dioxygenase (TDO) activity in affected areas of the brain. Laura A. Sordillo, Lin Zhang, Robert Alfano, Peter P. Sordillo, Proc. SPIE 10873 Optical Boipsy XVII: Toward Real-Time spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, 108731C (4th March 2019); doi: 10.1117/12.2513384

  5. Advances in medical applications using SWIR light in the wavelength range 1000 to 2500nm. Laura A. Sordillo, Lingyan Shi, Diana C. Sordillo, Peter P. Sordillo, Robert Alfano. Proc. SPIE 10873 10873 Optical Biosy XVII: Toward Real-Time spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, 108730T (4th March 2019); doi 10.1117/12.2513382

  6. The interaction of twisted Lagurre-Gaussian light with a GaAs photocathode to investigate photogenerated polarizes electrons, Laura A. Sordillo, S. Mamani, M. Sharonov, R. R. Alfano, Applied Physics Letters 114,041104(2019);

  7. A pilot study for distinguishing basel cell carcinoma from normal human skin tissues using visible resonance Raman Spectroscopy, Cheng-Hui-Liu, Zang, Sordillo, Beckman, Alfano, J cancer Metastasis Treat2019; 5:4.

  8. Combined spatial frequency spectroscopy analysis with visible resonance Raman for optical of Human brain   metastases of the lung cancers, Yan Zhou, Cheng-Hui Liu, Yang Pu, Binlin Wu, Thien An Nguyen, Gangge Cheng, Lixin Zhou, Ke Zhu, Jun Chen Qingbo Li, Alfano Journal of Innovative optical Health Sciences, vol.12, No.2(2019) 1950010, DOI: 10.1142/S1793545819550010X


  1. Evolution of the Supercontinuum LightSource, Robert Alfano, Lingyan Shi, Photonics Spectra, pp. 1-14, Jan 2018.

  2. Resonance Raman imaging for detecting and monitoring molecular pathological changes in human braon    tumors releated Warburg effect, Yan Zhou, Cheng-hui Liu, Chunyuan Zhang, Yang Yang, Xinguang Yu, Hailong Hu, Gangge Cheng, Binlin Wu, Lingyan Shi, Robert R. Alfano, Proc SPIE 10489, Optical Biopsy XVI: Toward Real- Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, 104891C (21st February 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2290794

  3. Transmission of Classically Entangled Beams through Mouse Brain Tissue, Sandra Mamani, Lingyan Shi, Tahmid Ahmed, Romir Karnik, Adrián Rodríguez‐Contreras, Daniel Nolan, Robert Alfano, accepted for publication in Journal of Biophotonics, Volume11, issue12, e201800096, (2018). 

  4. Resonance Raman scattering of β-carotene solution excited by visible laser beams into second singlet state Luyao Lu, Lingyan Shib, Jeff Secor, Robert Alfano, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 179 (2018) 18–22.


  1. Compact OAM microscope for edge enhancement of biomedical and object samples Richard Gozali, Thien-An Nguyen, Ethan Bendau, and Robert R. Alfano,  Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 093701 (2017);

  2. Propagation of Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian vortex beams through mouse brain tissue. Shi, L., Lindwasser, L., Wang, W., Alfano, R. and Rodríguez-Contreras, A. J. Biophotonics 1-5 (2017) doi:10.1002/jbio.201700022.

  3. Label-Free Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Detecting Key Biomolecules in Brain Tissue from a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease, Lingyan Shi, Luyao Lu, George Harvey, Thomas Harvey, Adrián Rodríguez-Contreras & Robert R. Alfano, Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 2599 (2017), doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02673-5

  4. Alzheimer Mouse Brain Tissue Measured by Time Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy using Single- and Multi-Photon Excitation of Label Free Native Molecules, Bidyut Das, Lingyan Shi, Yury. Budansky, Adrian Rodriguez-Contreras, Robert Alfano, J. Biophotonics 1-8 (2017), doi:10.1002/jbio.201600318 

  5. Response to comments on “Slowing of Bessel light beam group velocity”, Robert R. Alfano, Daniel A. Nolan, Optics Communications Vol. 392, 302,  February 2017, doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2016.12.079.

  6. Hybrid generation and analysis of vector vortex beams, Sandra Mamani,  Ethan Bendau,  Jeff Secor, Solyman Ashrafi, Jiufeng J. Tu, Robert R. Alfano, Applied Optics, Vol. 56, No. 8, 2171 (2017).

  7. Short wavelength infrared optical windows for evaluation of benign and malignant tissues, Diana C. Sordillo, Laura A. Sordillo, Peter P. Sordillo, Lingyan Shi, Robert R. Alfano J. Biomed. Opt. 22(4), 045002 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.4.045002.


  1. Photon Entanglement Through Brain Tissue, Lingyan Shi, Enrique J. Galvez, Robert R. Alfano, Scientific Reports | 6:37714 | (2016), DOI: 10.1038/srep37714.

  2. Generation of flower high-order Poincaré sphere laser beams from a spatial light modulator, T. H. Lu, T. D. Huang, J. G. Wang, L. W. Wang, R. R. Alfano, Sci. Rep. 6, 39657; doi: 10.1038/srep39657 (2016).

  3. Vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque detection by resonance Raman spectroscopy,Cheng-hui Liu, Susie Boydston-White, Arel Weisberg, Wubao Wang, Laura A. Sordillo, Adler Perotte, Vincent P. Tomaselli, Peter P. Sordillo, Zhe Pei, Lingyan Shi, Robert R. Alfano,  J. Biomed. Opt. 21(12), 127006 (2016), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.12.127006.

  4. Terahertz spectroscopy of brain tissue from a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disese, Lingyan Shi, Pavel Shumyatsky,  Adrián Rodríguez-Contreras, and Robert Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 21(1), 015014-5 (January 2016), doi:10.1117/1.JBO.21.1.015014.

  5. OPTICAL SOURCES A laser for complex spatial modes, Alfano, Robert R.; Milione, Giovanni; Galvez, Enrique J.; et al., Nature Photonics, Vol. 10, No. 5, 286-288  ( MAY 2016).

  6. Deep transmission of Laguerre-Gaussian vortex beams through turbid scattering media, Wang, W. B.; Gozali, Richard; Shi, Lingyan; et al., Optics Letters, Vol. 41, Issue:  9, 2069-2072 (May 1 2016).

  7. Slowing of Bessel light beam group velocity, Robert R. Alfano, Daniel A. Nolan, Optics Communications Vol. 361, 25–27,  February 2016, doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2015.10.016.

  8. Interface-state-phonon-assisted energy relaxation of hot electrons in CdSe quantum dots, Shengkun Zhang, Iosif Zeylikovich, Taposh K. Gayen, Bidyut Das, Robert R. Alfano, Aidong Shen, and Maria C. Tamargo Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 34, 02L107 (2016); doi: 10.1116/1.4941138

  9. Transmission in near-infrared optical windows for deep brain imaging, Lingyan Shi, Laura A. Sordillo, Adrián Rodríguez-Contreras, and Robert Alfano, J. Biophotonics 9, No. 1–2, 38–43 (2016) / DOI 10.1002/jbio.201500192. 


  1. Using the nonseparability of vector beams to encode information for optical communication, Giovanni Milione, Thien An Nguyen, Jonathan Leach, Daniel A. Nolan, Robert R. Alfano, Optics Letters(4887-4890), Vol. 40, No 21, November 1, 2015.

  2. In vivo studies of ultrafast nearinfrared laser tissue bonding and wound healing, Vidyasagar Sriramoju, Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(10), 108001 (October 2015).

  3. Mode division multiplexing using an orbital angular momentum mode sorter and MIMO-DSP over a graded-index few-moe optical fibre, Hao Huang, Giovanni Milione, Martin Lavery, Guodong Xie, Yongxiong Ren, Yinwen, Cao, Nisar Ahmed, Tien An Nguyen, Daniel Nolan, Ming-Jun Li, Moshe Tur, Robert Alfano, Alan Willner, Scientific Reports, 5, 14931; doi:10.1038/srep 14931 (2015).

  4. Determining principal modes in a multimode optical fiber using the mode dependent signal delay method,  G. Milione, D. A. Nolan, and R. R. Alfano, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 32 143-149 (2015).

  5. Diversity in photonics strengthens society, Holton, Conard; Alfano, Robert, Laser Focus World, Vol. 51, No.6, 104 *(JUN 2015).

  6. 4 × 20  Gbit/s mode division multiplexing over free space using vector modes and a q-plate mode (de)multiplexer, Giovanni Milione, Martin P. J. Lavery, Hao Huang, Yongxiong Ren, Guodong Xie, Thien An Nguyen, Ebrahim Karimi, Lorenzo Marrucci, Daniel A. Nolan, Robert R. Alfano, and Alan E. Willner, Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 9, pp. 1980-1983 (2015), doi: 10.1364/OL.40.001980.

  7. Measuring the self-healing of the spatially inhomogeneous states of polarization of vector Bessel beams, Giovanni MilioneAngela Dudley, Thien An Nguyen, Ougni Chakraborty, Ebrahim Karimi, Andrew Forbes, Robert R Alfano, J. Opt., 17 (2015) 035617 (7pp), doi:10.1088/2040-8978/17/3/035617.

  8. Near-infrared supercontinuum laser beam source in the second and third near-infrared optical windows used to image more deeply through thick tissue as compared with images from lamp source, Laura Sordillo, Lukas Lindwasser, Yury Budansky, Philippe Leproux, Robert Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(3), 030501-1-3 (March  2015), doi:10.1117/1.JBO.20.3.030501. 

  9. Optical quantitative pathology of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in human tissues using spatial frequency analysis, Yang Pu, Jaidip Jagtap, Asima Pradhan, R. R. Alfano, J. Biophotonics 8, No. 3, 233–238 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/jbio.201300184. published online January 2014.


  1. Differences in fluorescence profiles from breast cancer tissues due to changes in relative tryptophan content via energy transfer: tryptophan content correlates with histologic grade and tumor size but not with lymph node metastases, Laura A. Sordillo, Peter P. Sordillo, Yury Budansky, Yang Pu, Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(12), 125002 (December 2014).

  2. Gaussian beam in two-photon fluorescence imaging of a rat brain microvessel, Lingyan Shi, Adrián Rodríguez-Contreras, Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(12), 126006 (December 2014).

  3. Key native fluorophores analysis of human breast cancer tissues using Gram-Schmidt subspace method, Yang Pu, Laura A. Sordillo, Yuanlong Yang, and R. R. Alfano, Opt. Lett., 39(14), 6787-6790 (2014).

  4. The effects of fabrication temperature on current-voltage characteristics and energy efficiencies of quantum dot sensitized ZnOH-GO hybrid solar cells,  S. M. Z. Islam, Taposh Gayen, Naing Tint, Lingyan Shi, Mykola Seredych, Teresa J. Bandosz, and Robert Alfano, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 173102 (2014);

  5. Deep two-photon microscopic imaging through brain tissue using the second singlet state from fluorescent agent chlorophyll α in spinach leaf, Lingyan Shi, Adrián Rodríguez-Contreras, Yury Budansky, Yang Pu, Thien An Nguyen, Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(6), 066009 (June 2014).

  6. Deep optical imaging of tissue using the second and third near-infrared spectral windows, Laura A. Sordillo, Yang Pu, Sebastiao Prativieira, Yury Budansky, Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(5), 056004 (May 2014).

  7. Tryptophan as the fingerprint for distinguishing aggressiveness among breast cancer cell lines using native fluorescence spectroscopy, Lin Zhang, Yang Pu, Jianpeng Xue,, Sebastião Pratavieira, Baogang Xu, Samuel Achilefu, and R. R. Alfano, J. Biomed. Opt., 19(3), 037005-1-5 (2014).

  8. All-digital wavefront sensing for structured light beams, Angela Dudley, Giovanni Milione, Robert R. Alfano, and Andrew Forbes, Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 11, pp. 14031-14040 (2014)

  9. Hybrid solar cells of micro/meso-porous Zn(OH)2 and its graphite composites sensitized  by CdSe quantum dots, SM Z. Islam, Taposh Gayen,  Naing Tint,  Lingyan Shi, Amani Mostofa, Mykola Seredych, Teresa J. Bandosz, Robert Alfano, Journal of Photonics for Energy, 4, 043098-1-9 (2014).

  10. Optical Memory Effect from Polarized Laguerre-Gaussian Light Beam in Light-Scattering Turbid Media. Pavel Shumyatsky, Giovanni Milione, and Robert R Alfano, Optics Communications, 321, 116-123 (2014).

  11. Spatial frequency analysis of anisotropic drug transport in tumor samples, Stewart Russell, Kimberley S. Samkoe, Jason R. Gunn, P. Jack Hoopes, Thienan A. Nguang, Milo J. Russell, Robert R. Alfano, Brian W. Pogue, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(1), 015005-1-6 (2014).

  12. Spatial frequency analysis of high-density lipoprotein and iron-oxide nanoparticle transmission electron microscope image structure for pattern recognition in heterogeneous fields, Stewart Russell ; Thien An Nguyen ; Clyde Rey Torres ; Stephen Bhagroo ; Milo J. Russell ; Robert R. Alfano, J. Biomed. Opt. 19(1), 015004 (Jan 03, 2014). 


  1. Tunable supercontinuum light vector vortex beam generator using a q-plate, Yisa S. Rumala, Giovanni Milione, Thien An Nguyen, Sebastião Pratavieira, Zabir Hossain, Daniel Nolan, Sergei Slussarenko, Ebrahim Karimi, Lorenzo Marrucci, and Robert R. Alfano, Optics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 23, 5083-5086, (2013).

  2. Two-photon excitation microscopy using the second singlet state of fluorescence agents within the “tissue optical window”, Yang Pu, Lingyan Shi, Sebastiao Pratavieira, and R. R. Alfano, Journal of Appl. Phys., 114, 153102 (2013).

  3. Time-resolved photoluminescence of Zn(OH)2 and its composits with graphite oxides, SM. Z. Islam, T. Gayen, B.B. Das, Lingyan Shi, M. Seredych, A. Moussawi, Teresa J. Bandosz, and R. R. Alfano, Opt. Lett. 38, 2227-2229 (2013).

  4. Band gap energies of solar micro/meso-porous composites of zinc (hydr)oxide with graphite oxides, SM Z. Islam, Taposh Gayen, Mykola Seredych, Oluwaniyi Mabayoje, Lingyan Shi, Teresa J. Bandosz,  and Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Applied Optics, 114, 043522 (2013).

  5. Optical biopsy of benign and malignant tissue by time resolved spectroscopy, V. Masilamani,  B. B. Das, J. Secor, M.S. AlSalhi, S. Devanesan, S. Prasad,  D. Rabah,  and R.R. Alfano, Techology in Cancer  Research and Treatment, Epub ahead of print, June 6 (2013) .

  6. Native fluorescence spectroscopy reveals spectral differences among prostate cancer cell lines with different risk levels, Yang Pu, Jianpeng Xue, Wubao Wang, Baogang Xu, Yueqing Gu, Rui Tang, Ellen Ackerstaff, Jason A. Koutcher, Samuel Achilefu, and Robert R. Alfano J. Biomed. Opt., 18(8), 087002-1-5 (2013).

  7. Spatial frequency analysis for detecting early stage of cancer in human cervical tissues, Yang Pu, Jaidip Jagtap, Asima Pradhan, and R. R. Alfano Technol. Cancer Res. Treat. (TCRT)  Vol. 13, 5, Oct. 2014, 421-425 (2014). Express, 1, e600270-1-5 (2013). DOI: 10.7785/tcrtexpress.2013.600270

  8. Structural and optical characterization of Zn(OH)2 and its composites with graphite oxides, S M Z. Islam, Taposh Gayen,  Alaa Moussawi, Lingyan Shi, Mykola Seredych,Teresa J. Bandosz, Robert Alfano, Opt. Lett, 38, issue 6, 962 (2013) .    

  9. Energy splitting of CdSe quantum dots induced by intense femtosecond laser excitation, Shengkun Zhang, Iosif Zeylikovich, Taposh Gayen, Robert Alfano, Maria Tamargo, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B31(3), 03C120-2, (2013).

  10. Native fluorescence spectra of human cancerous and normal breast tissues analyzed with nonnegative constraint methods,  Yang Pu, W. B. Wang, Yuanlong Yang, and R. R. Alfano,  Appl. Opt., 52(6), 1293-1301 (2013).

  11. Optical Spectral Fingerprints of Tissues from Patients with Different Breast Cancer Histologies Using a Novel Fluorescence Spectroscopic Device, Laura A. Sordillo, Yang Pu, Peter P. Sordillo, Yury Budansky, R. R. Alfano, Techology in Cancer  Research and Treatment, Epub ahead of print, March 26 (2013) .

  12. Optical detection of meat spoilage using fluorescence spectroscopy with selective excitation wavelength, Yang Pu, Wubao Wang, and R. R. Alfano, Appl. Spectrosc., 67(2), 210–213 (2013).

  13. Resonance Raman and Raman spectroscopy for breast cancer detection, C.-H. Liu, Y. Zhou, Y. Sun, J. Y. Li, L. X. Zhou, S. Boydston-White, V. Masilamani, K. Zhu, Yang Pu, Robert Alfano, Techology in Cancer  Research and Treatment, Vol. 12, 4, Aug. 2013, 371-382 (2013).

  14. Review of ultrafast fluorescence polarization spectroscopy, Yang Pu, Wubao Wang, Richard Dorshow, Bidyut Das, Robert Alfano, Appl. Opt., 52(5), 917-929 (2013).

  15. A parallelism between spectral grading and Gleason grading of malignant prostate tissues, V. Masilamani, M.S. AlSalhi, S. Devanesan, M. Atif, D. Rabah, K. Farhat, Y. Pu, and R.R. Alfano, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, (2013)

  16. Stokes Shift Spectroscopic analysis of multi-fluorophores for human cancer detection in breast and prostate tissues, Yang Pu, W. B. Wang, Yuanlong Yang, and R. R. Alfano, J. Biomed. Opt., 18(1), 017005-1-8 (2013).


  1. Human brain cancer studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy, Yan Zhou, Cheng-Hui Liu, Yi Sun, Yang Pu, Susie Boydston-White, Yulong Liu, and R. R. Alfano, J. Biomed. Opt., 17(11), 116021-1-7 (2012).

  2. Stokes shift spectroscopy highlights differences of cancerous and normal human tissues Yang Pu, W. B. Wang, Yuanlong Yang, and R. R. Alfano,  Opt. Lett., 37(16), 3360-3362 (2012).

  3. Characterization and three-dimensional localization of cancerous prostate tissue using backscattering scanning polarization imaging and independent component analysis Yang Pu, Wubao Wang, Min Xu, James Eastham, Guicheng Tang and Robert R. Alfano, J. Biomed. Opt., 17(8), 081419-1-8 (2012).

  4. Photoactivity of S-doped nanoporous activated carbons: a new perspective for harvesting solar energy on carbon-based semiconductors, Teresa J. Bandosz, Juan Matos, Mykola Seredych, SM.Z. Islam, Robert Alfano, Elsevier and Applied Catalysis A, Vol.445-446 (2012).

  5. Biomarkers Spectral Subspace for Cancer Detection, Yi Sun, Yang Pu, Yuanlong Yang, and R. R. Alfano J. Biomed. Opt., 17(10), 107005-1-9 (2012).

  6. Stokes Shift Spectroscopy Pilot Study for Cancerous and Normal Prostate Tissues, J. Ebenezar, Yang Pu, W. B. Wang, C. H. Liu ,and  R. R. Alfano, Applied Optics, 51, No.16 3642-3649 (2012).

  7. Higher-order Pancharatnam-Berry Phase and the Angular Momentum of Light, Giovanni Milione, S. Evans, D. A. Nolan, R. R. Alfano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 190401 (2012)

  8. Advances in ultrafast time resolved fluorescence physics for cancer detection in optical biopsy, R. R. Alfano, AIP Advances, 2,  011103-1/10  (2012).


  1. Higher-Order Poincaré Sphere, Stokes Parameters, and the Angular Momentum of Light, Giovanni Milione, H. I. Sztul, D. A. Nolan, R. R. Alfano, Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 053601 (2011).

  2. Near infrared photonic finger imager for prostate cancer screening, Y. Pu, W. B. Wang, M. Xu, G. C. Tang, Y. Budansky, M. Sharonov, S. Achilefu, J. A. Eastham,, R. R. Alfano, Techology in Cancer  Research and Treatment, 10, No. 6, 507-517  (2011).

  3. Management of heat in laser tissue welding using NIR cover window material, Vidyasagar Sriramoju, Robert R. Alfano, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 1-7 (2011)/DOI 10.1002/lsm.21143.

  4. Laser tissue welding analyzed using fluorescence, Stokes shift spectroscopy, and Huang-Rhys parameter, Vidyasagar Sriramoju, Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Biophotonics, 1-9 (2011)/DOI 10.1002/jbio.201100050.

  5. Study of rotational dynamics of receptor-targeted contrast agents in cancerous and normal prostate tissues using time-resolved picosecond emission spectroscopy, Y. Pu, W. B. Wang, S. Achilefu, and R. R. Alfano, Applied Optics, 50(10), April 2011, 1312-1322.

  6. Native fluorescence spectroscopic evaluation of chemotherapeutic effects of malignant cells using nonnegative matrix factorization analysis, Y. Pu, G. C. Tang, W. B. Wang, H. E. Savage, S. P. Shantz, and R. R. Alfano, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, 10(2), April 2011, 113-120.

  7. Diagnostic potential of Stokes shift spectroscopy of breast and prostate tissues – a preliminary pilot study, J. Ebenezar, Y. Pu, C. H. Liu, W. B. Wang, and R. R. Alfano, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, 10(2), April 2011, 153-161.

  8. Terahertz sources, Pavel Shumyatsky and Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(3), March 2011, 0330011-0330019.

  9. Ultrafast laser pulses generated from the chromium-doped cunyite crystal. Michelet Jeanty, V. Kartazaev, M. Sharonov, A. Bykov, and R. R. Alfano, Optics Communications, 284, 1339-1341 (2011).


  1. Changes of collagen and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in human cancerous and normal prostate tissues studied using native fluorescence spectroscopy with selective excitation wavelength, Y. Pu, G. Tang, W. B. Wang, R. R. Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18(4), July/August 2010, 0470081-0470085.

  2. Spatial phase modulation from permanent memory in doped glass, Thandar Myint and R. R. Alfano, OPTICS LETTERS, Vol. 35, No. 8, 1275-1277 (April 15, 2010). 

  3. Photoionization study of deep centers in GaN/AlGaN multiple quantum wells, Shengkun Zhang, Wubao Wang, A. Teke, L. He, S. Dogan, D. J. Johnstone, H. Morkoc, and Robert R. Alfano, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B28 ,  pp. C3I10- C3I12 (2010).

  4. Optical study of strongly coupled CdSe quantum dots .S. K. Zhang. T. Myint, W. B. Wang, B. B. Das, N. Perez-Paz, H. Lu, M. C. Tamargo, A. Shen, R. R. Alfano, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 28(3), May/Jun 2010, C2D17-C2D19.


  1. In vivo molecular evaluation of guinea pig skin incisions healing after surgical suture and laser tissue welding using Raman spectroscopy, A. Alimova, R. Chakraverty, R. Muthukattil, S. Elder, A. Katz, V. Sriramoju, S. Lipper, and R. R. Alfano, J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology. In press.

  2. Ultraviolet-to-visible image conversion microscopy using photoluminescence from self-assembled CdSe/ZnCdMgSe quantum dots and quantum wells, I. Zeylikovich, P. Shumyatsky, T. K. Gayen, and R. R. Alfano, Appl. Opt. 48, 1-4 (2009).

  3. Bacteria-clay interaction: Structural changes in smectite induced during biofilm formation, A. Alimova, A. Katz, N. Steiner, E. Rudolph, H. Wei, J. C. Steiner, and P. Gottlieb, Clays and Clay Minerals, 57, 205-212 (2009).

  4. Time Evolution of Smectite Fractal Dimension Measured by Broadband Light Scattering, A. Alimova, A. Katz, J. Orozco, H. Wei, P. Gottlieb, E. Rudolph, J. C. Steiner, and M. Xu, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. (2009, in press).

Books and Proceedings

  1. Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue VIII, R. R. Alfano, co-chair/editor, SPIE Volume 7174, 2009.

Book Chapters and Conference Proceeding Papers

  1. Time-resolved fluorescence polarization of cancer receptor-targeted contrast agents in prostate tissues, Y. Pu, W. B. Wang, B. B. Das, S. Achilefu, and R. R. Alfano, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electornics Conference (CLEO/IQEC), JThE64 (2009).

  2. Monitoring changes of proteins and lipids in laser welded aorta tissue using Raman spectroscopy and basis biochemical component analyses, C. H. Liu, W. B. Wang, A. Alimova, V. Sriramoju, V. Kartazayev, and R. R. Alfano, in Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XX, Proc. SPIE 7175, 717504-1, 6 pp. (2009).

  3. Time-resolved polarization-dependent native near infrared spectral wing emission of human cancerous and normal prostate tissues, Y. Pu, W. B. Wang, B. B. Das, and R. R. Alfano, Proc. SPIE 7174, 71741W-1, 6 pp. (2009).

  4. Periodic filamentation and supercontinuum interference, X. Ni and R. R. Alfano, in Self-focusing: Past and Present, eds. Robert W. Boyd, Svetlana G. Lukishova, Y. Ron Shen, p. 253 (Springer, New York, 2009).

Conference Presentations, Abstracts, Research Reports, Book Reports & Seminars

  1. I. Zeylikovich, V. Kartazayeu, B. Das, T. K. Gayen, A. Shen, M. Tamargo, and R. R. Alfano, "Carrier localization impact on time-resolved dependence of the photoluminescence of CdSe/ZnCdMgSe self-assembled quantum dots at different temperatures," Paper CThM7, Quantum Materials Technology, CLEO/IQEC '09, May 31 - June 5, 2009, Baltimore, MD.

  2. Y. Pu, W. B. Wang, B. Das, S. Achilefu, and R. R. Alfano, "Tiime-resolved fluorescence polarization of cancer receptor-targeted contrast agents in prostate tissues," Paper JThE64, CLEO/IQEC '09, May 31 - June 5, 2009, Baltimore, MD.

  3. R. R. Alfano, "Overview on the State-of-the-Art Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging for Future Healthcare," keynote address, Ocean Optics Global Distributor Retreat, April 26 - 30, 2009, Orlando, FL.

  4. H. I. Sztul, G. Milione, R. R. Alfano, D. A. Nolan, X. Chen, and J. Koh, "Cylindrical vector beam generation from spun fiber," Paper 7227-3, Complex Light and Optical Forces III, OPTO 2009, SPIE Photonics West 2009, Jan. 24-29, 2009, San Jose, CA.

  5. H. I. Sztul and R. R. Alfano, "Momentum of Optical Airy Beams," Paper 7227-15, Complex Light and Optical Forces III, OPTO 2009, SPIE Photonics West 2009, Jan. 24-29, 2009, San Jose, CA.

  6. M. Sharonov, A. Bykov, V. Petricevic, and R. R. Alfano, "Study of optical centers with near-infrared emission in germanate glasses doped with 6p (Bi, Pb) and 5p (Sn, Sb) ions," Paper 7193-97, Solid State Lasers XVIII: Technology and Devices, LASE 2009, SPIE Photonics West 2009, Jan. 24-29, 2009, San Jose, CA.

  7. Y. Pu, W. B. Wang, B. B. Das, and R. R. Alfano, "Time-resolved near infrared spectral wing emission of human native cancerous and normal prostate tissues," Paper 7174-66, Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue VIII, BiOS 2009, SPIE Photonics West 2009, Jan. 24-29, 2009, San Jose, CA.

  8. C. H. Liu, W. B. Wang, A. Alimova, V. Sriramoju, V. Kartazayev, and R. R. Alfano, "Monitoring changes of proteins and lipids in laser welded aorta tissue using Raman spectroscopy and basis biochemical component analyses," Paper 7175-03, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XX, BiOS 2009, SPIE Photonics West 2009, Jan. 24-29, 2009, San Jose, CA.

  9. S. K. Zhang, W. B. Wang, R. R. Alfano, A. M. Dabiran, A. V. Osinsky, A. M. Wowchak, B. Hertog, and P. P. Chow, "Carrier screening effect in AlGaN quantum well avalanche Diode," Paper 7216-74, Gallium Nitride Materials and Devices IV, OPTO 2009, SPIE Photonics West 2009, Jan. 24-29, 2009, San Jose, CA.


  1. Optics in 2008: The Poynting Vector and Angular Momentum of Airy Beams, H. Sztul and R. R. Alfano, Optics & Photonics News, 19, 23 (2008). See article.

  2. Injection and avalanche electroluminescence of Al0.1Ga0.9N/Al0.15Ga0.85N multiple quantum wells, S-K. Zhang, W. Wang, R. R. Alfano, A. M. Dabiran, A. Osinsky, A. M. Wowchak, B. Hertog, and P. P. Chow, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 14, 1010-1013 (2008).

  3. Interband and intersubband optical properties of doped n-Zn0.46Cd0.54Se/Zn0.24Cd0.25Mg0.51Se multiple quantum wells for intersubband device applications, X. Zhou, S-K. Zhang, W. Wang, R. R. Alfano, H. Lu, M. C. Tamargo, A. Shen, C. Y. Song, and H. C. Liu, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 14, 1042-1047 (2008).

  4. The Poynting vector and angular momentum of Airy beams, H. I. Sztul and R. R. Alfano, Opt. Exp. 16, 9411-9416 (2008).

  5. Polarization properties of SC generated in CaF2, V. Kartazayev and R. R. Alfano, Opt. Commun. 281, 463-468 (2008).

  6. Optical diffuse imaging of an ex vivo model cancerous human breast using independent component analysis, M. Xu, M. AL-Rubaiee, S. K. Gayen, and R. R. Alfano, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 14, 43-49 (2008).

  7. Time-resolved fluorescence polarization dynamics and optical imaging of Cytate: a prostate cancer receptor-targeted contrast agent, Y. Pu, W. B. Wang, B. B. Das, S. Achilefu, and R. R. Alfano, Appl. Opt. 47, 2281-2289 (2008).

  8. Short coherence length produced by a spatial incoherent source applied for the Linnik-type interferometer, I. Zeylikovich, Appl. Opt. 47, 2171-2177 (2008).

  9. Spectroscopic study of optical centers formed in Bi-, Pb-, Sb-, Sn-, Te-, and In-doped germanate glasses, M. Yu. Sharonov, A. B. Bykov, V. Petricevic, and R. R. Alfano, Opt. Lett. 33, 2131-2133 (2008).

Books and Proceedings

  1. Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy, R. R. Alfano, co-chair/editor, SPIE Volume 6853B, 2008.

Book Chapters and Conference Proceeding Papers

  1. Statistical interpretation of light anomalous diffraction by small particles and its applications in bio-agent detection and monitoring," M. Xu and A. Katz, in Light Scattering Reviews 3 (Springer, Chichester, UK, 2008), pp. 27-67.

  2. Raman spectroscopic study of acute oxidative stress induced changes in mice skeletal muscles, V. Sriramoju, A. Alimova, R. Chakraverty, A. Katz, S. K. Gayen, L. Larsson, H. E. Savage and R. R. Alfano, Proc. SPIE, 6853B (2008).

  3. NIR-laser tissue welding in an in vivo guinea pig animal model, V. Sriramoju, H. E. Savage, A. Katz, R. Chakraverty, Y. Budansky, R. Podder, N. Davatgarzadeh, U. Kartazayev, R. B. Rosen, and R. R. Alfano, Proc. SPIE 6854 (2008).

  4. Study of lipid rich compositions in the intimal wall of aorta by Raman spectroscopy, C.-H. Liu, V. Sriramoju, W. B. Wang, M. Frankfurt, N. D. Zadeh, and R. R. Alfano, Proc. SPIE 6853B (2008).

Conference Presentations, Abstracts, Research Reports, Book Reports & Seminars

  1. R. R. Alfano and S. Demos, "Key Secrets of Biospectroscopy," BioOptics World webcast, Oct. 29, 2008.

  2. S. K. Gayen, M. Alrubaiee, M. Xu, and R. R. Alfano, “Optical imaging of an ex vivo model cancerous human breast using independent component analysis,” P40-6, Era of Hope, Dept. of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, June 25-28, 2008, Baltimore, MD.

  3. M. Xu, M. Alrubaiee, S. K. Gayen, and R. R. Alfano, "Optical tomography using independent component analysis," P42-16, Era of Hope, Dept. of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, June 25-28, 2008, Baltimore, MD.

  4. M. Alrubaiee, S. K. Gayen, and R. R. Alfano, "Near-infrared time-resolved and spectroscopic imaging for breast cancer detection," P42-17, Era of Hope, Dept. of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, June 25-28, 2008, Baltimore, MD.

  5. V. Balogh-Nair, A. Byro, F. Wang, R. Muthukattil, Y. F. Tse, H. Nguyen, B. B. Das, R. R. Alfano, and S. K. Gayen, "Synthesis and optical spectroscopic properties of multivalent and biocompatible hybrid cadmium sulfide-dendrimer nanocomposites," P44-9, Era of Hope, Dept. of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, June 25-28, 2008, Baltimore, MD.


  1. Supercontinuum generation and applications, X. Ni and R. R. Alfano, Nonlinear Optics and Applications, 61-80 (2007).

  2. Effects of smectite clay on biofilm formation by microorganisms, A. Alimova, M. Roberts, A. Katz, E. Rudolph, J. C. Steiner, R. R. Alfano, and P. Gottlieb, Biofilms 3, 47-54 (2007).

  3. Direct diode-pumped laser operation of Cr3+-doped LiInGeO4 crystals, A. Fuerbach, M. Jeanty, M. Y. Sharonov, A. Bykov, V. Petricevic, and M. Lenzner, Opt. Exp. 15, 16097-16101 (2007).

  4. Synthesis and optical spectroscopy of a hybrid cadmium sulfide-dendrimer nanocomposite, S. K. Gayen, M. Brito, B. B. Das, G. Comanescu, X. C. Liang, M. AL-Rubaiee, R. R. Alfano, C. Gonzalez, A. H. Byro, D. L. V. Bauer, and V. Balogh-Nair, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 3064-3071 (2007).

  5. Continuous tunable laser operation in both 1.31 mm and 1.55 mm telecommunication windows in LiIn(Si/Ge)O4 olivines doped with trivalent chromium, M. Sharonov, V. Petricevic, A. Bykov, and R. R. Alfano, Opt. Lett. 32, 3489-3491 (2007).

  6. Optical properties of neodimium activated crystalline nanostructures grown in transparent porous glass, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 2868-2876 (2007).

  7. Supercontinuum generated in calcite with chirped femtosecond pulses, V. Kartazaev and R. R. Alfano, Opt. Lett. 32, 3293-3295 (2007).

  8. Solution processed microcavity structures with embedded quantum dots, N. Valappil, M. Luberto, V.M. Menon, I. Zeylikovich, T. K. Gayen, J. Franco, B. B. Das, R. R. Alfano, Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications, 5, 184-188 (2007).

  9. High resolution ultraviolet-to-visible image conversion using self-assembled CdSe/ZnCdMgSe quantum dot photoluminescence, I. Zeylikovich, M. C. Tamargo and R. R. Alfano, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40, S373-S378 (2007).

  10. Ultrashort Laguerre-Gaussian pulses with Angular and Group Velocity Dispersion Compensation, I. Zeylikovich, H. I. Sztul, V. Kartazaev, T. Le, and R. R. Alfano, Opt. Lett. 32, 2025-2027 (2007).

  11. Intersubband Transitions in Molecular-Beam-Epitaxy-grown Wide Bandgap II-VI Semiconductors, A. Shen, H. Lu, M. C. Tamargo, W. Charles, I. Yokomizo, C.Y. Song, H. C. Liu, S. K. Zhang, X. Zhou, R. R. Alfano, K. J. Franz and C. Gmachl, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 25, 995-998 (2007).

  12. Spectroscopic Study of Chromium-Doped Transparent Calcium Germanate Glass-Ceramics, M. Yu. Sharonov , A. B. Bykov, T. Myint, V. Petricevic, R. R. Alfano, Opt. Commun. 275, 123-128 (2007).

  13. Time-Resolved Fluorescence Polarization Anisotropy and Optical Imaging of Cybesin in Cancerous and Normal Prostate Tissues, Y. Pu, W. B. Wang, S. Achilefu, B. B. Das, G. C Tang, V. Sriramoju, R. R. Alfano, Opt. Commun. 274, 260-267 (2007).

  14. Radiative and Nonradiative Recombination Processes in ZnCdSe/ZnCdMgSe Multi-Quantum-Wells, S. K. Zhang, H. Lu, W. B. Wang, B. B. Das, N. Okoye, M. Tamargo, R. R. Alfano, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 023111-1 (2007).

  15. Intersubband Absorption in CdSe/ZnxCdyMg1-x-ySe Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Multi-Layers, A. Shen, H. Lu, M. C. Tamargo, W. Charles, I. Yokomizo, K. J. Franz, C. Gmachl, S. K. Zhang, X. Zhou, and R. R. Alfano, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 071910 (2007).

  16. Hybrid Phosphorescence and Fluorescence Native Spectroscopy for Breast Cancer Detection, A. Alimova, A. Katz, V. Sriramoju, Y. Budansky, A. A. Bykov, R. Zeylikovich, R. R. Alfano, J. Biomed. Opt. 12, 014004-1 (2007).

Books and Proceedings

  1. Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue VIII, R. R. Alfano, co-chair/editor, SPIE Volume 6434, 2007.

Book Chapters and Conference Proceeding Papers

  1. Polarization Memory Effect and Visibility Improvement of Targets in Turbid Media, X. Ni, S. A. Kartazayeva, W. Wang, S. K. Gayen, R. R. Alfano, Proc. SPIE 6434 (2007).

  2. Optical High Resolution Cross Section Imaging of a Human Breast Model Using Independent Component Analysis, M. Xu, M. Alrubaiee, S. K. Gayen, H. Savage, R. R. Alfano, Proc. SPIE 6434 (2007).

  3. Determination of Light Absorption, Scattering and Anisotropy Factor of a Highly Scattering Medium Using Back Scattered Circular Polarized Light, M. Xu, M. Alrubaiee, S. K. Gayen, R. R. Alfano, Proc. SPIE 6435 (2007).

  4. Laguerre-Gaussian Supercontinuum, H. I. Sztul, V. Kartazayev, R. R. Alfano, Proc. SPIE 6483 (2007).

Conference Presentations, Abstracts, Research Reports, Book Reports & Seminars

  1. V. Sriramoju, A. Alimova, R. Chakraverty, A. Katz, S. K. Gayen, and R. R. Alfano, “Raman Spectroscopy of Oxidized and Reduced Forms of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotides in Mice Skeletel Muscles,” The New York Academy of Sciences, Conference on Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Disorders, Sept. 26 - 29, 2007, New York, NY.

  2. I. Zeylikovich and R. R. Alfano, “Pulse-induced mutual coherence of the self-assembled quantum dots photoluminescence,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, May 6-11, 2007, Baltimore, MD.

  3. I. Zeylikovich, M. C. Tamargo, and R. R. Alfano, “High resolution ultraviolet to visible image conversion using self-assembled CdSe/ZnCdMgSe quantum dots photoluminescence,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, May 6-11, 2007.

  4. I. Zeylikovich, H. Sztul, V. Kartazaev, T. Le, and R. R. Alfano, “Ultrashort Laguerre-Gaussian pulses with angular and group velocity dispersion compensation,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, May 6-11, 2007.

  5. X. Ni, S. A. Kartazayeva, W. Wang, W. Cai, S. K. Gayen, and R. R. Alfano, “Polarization memory effect and visibility improvement in turbid media,” BiOS 2007, Photonics West, Jan. 20-25, 2007, San Jose, CA.


Last Updated: 02/10/2020 12:07