Frequently Asked Questions

Is the CCNY Pre-Health Program linked with the Sophie Davis School or the CUNY School of Medicine?

  • The Pre-Health Program (PHP) at the City College of New York is NOT affiliated with:
    • The Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education
    • The CUNY School of Medicine

Who do we advise in the CCNY Pre-Health Program?

o    Medicine (MD and DO)
o    Dentistry
o    Optometry
o    Podiatry
o    Veterinary Medicine
o    Physician Assistant (PA)
o    Pharmacy
o    Physical Therapy

•    We do NOT advise for:
o    Nursing
o    Occupational Therapy
o    Public Heath

Is an application required for all undergraduate students to join the PHP?

  • Yes. An application is required for first and second semester freshman, as well as entering transfer students.

Can undergraduate students begin the program during their first semester at CCNY?

•    Yes. All new undergraduate freshman students and new transfer students can get started in the program as a prospective (ie, “pre-pre”) health student.

Can I be dismissed from PHP?

  • Yes. 1) If prospective (i.e., “pre-pre”) health students fail to meet the requirements for pre-health status after three semesters, they will be dismissed from PHP. 2) If pre-health students fail to maintain a 3.0 GPA, they will be placed on probation; if they fail to bring their GPA back above 3.0, the will be dismissed from PHP.

Is a dismissal from PHP the same as a dismissal from CCNY?

  • No.

Is pre-health a major at CCNY?

  • No

What is the best major for pre-health?

  • Any major.  Per the professional schools, we strongly encourage our students to pursue any major that they are passionate about.

Does PHP offer tutoring?

  • No.  Tutoring is available to students in the Division of Science through the Office of science Advising.

Do I need to be a student at CCNY to be part of PHP?

  • Yes.  You must be enrolled at CCNY to be part of CCNY Pre-Health.

Should I join PHP to get a committee letter?

  • No.  Please do not submit an application to be part of CCNY Pre-Health to receive a committee letter.

Does CCNY Pre-Health have any affiliations/linkages with the professional schools

  • Yes.  We are part of the consortium of schools with the SUNY Downstate College of Medicine through the Early Medical Education Program.

What are the requirements for the EME Program at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine

Does CCNY Pre-Health work with CCNY alumni?

  • Yes.

Are CCNY students eligible to apply to the CUNY School of Medicine?

  • No.  Only students who are currently enrolled in the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education are presently permitted to apply to and enroll at the CUNY School of Medicine.

What is the difference between Sophie Davis BS/MD program and CCNY Pre-Health Program

  • We cannot guarantee admission to medical school.  Our responsibility is to provide nurturing, support and advocacy for our students to help them prepare to become competitive applicants to professional schools.

Does CCNY Pre-Health Program advise for the majors at CCNY?

No.  We do not advise for any of the major at CCNY.  Moving forward, undergraduate students will have two sets of advisors:  their major advisor, to help them select classes and prepare to graduate in their major, and us, who will advise them on matters relating to become competitive applicants to professional school. 

What if I am dismissed from PHP, can I re-apply?

  • Yes.  However, the minimum cumulative GPA is 3.0; the minimum science GPA is 3.0.

How firm is the 2.8 minimum GPA requirement for acceptance to the program as a post-bac?

  • It is mandatory. No exceptions.

Do I have to enroll as a second-degree/transfer student if I'm a postbac student??

  • No.  However, if you are hoping to apply for financial aid, you must be matriculated into a degree program. 

Do I have to complete a second bachelor’s degree?

  • No.

Am I eligible for financial aid as a post-bac student?

Please contact the CCNY Office of Financial Aid

Is your postbac program a career changer or grade enhancement program?

This is a career changer program.  Post-bac students interested in applying must have little to no math and/or science credits.  If you were a science major as an undergraduate student and looking for a program to enhance your math/science grades, this is not the program for you.

Is Math required for the science courses?

  • Yes.  Pre-Calculus is required for General Biology; Calculus is required for General Chemistry.


Can a statistics course be substituted for the math requirements?

  • No.

Can an AP math course taken be substituted for the math requirements?


What if I don’t have any math? Can I still apply to PHP as a post-bac?

Yes. If you have not taken any math courses as an undergraduate student, we will review your transcript to determine the best math course for you to take.

Or, you are welcome to take a College Algebra & Trig or Pre-Calculus class at an accredited two-or-four-year college PRIOR to applying to PHP.

Post-bac students can also have their math skills assessed by taking the Math Placement Test offered by the CCNY Office of Testing and Evaluation.

Will I able to register for science classes without taking any math courses?

  • No.

Are there linkage programs for post-bac students?

  • No.

How long should I expect to be enrolled as a post-bac student?

  • At least two years.

Can I work part-time or full-time while going to school as a post-bac?

  • Yes.

Are courses offered during the evening and weekends?

  • Yes.

Can I take classes at other CUNY schools while enrolled at CCNY?

  • It is our expectation that if you are accepted to CCNY, then you will take your courses at CCNY.

Are post-bac’s eligible for a committee letter?

Yes. But they must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.2+, and they must have earned 24 CCNY science credits to be eligible for a committee letter.

What if I’m not enrolled in the program, and I’m taking classes at CCNY as a post-bac? Am I eligible for a committee letter?

  • No.

Is there an opportunity for a prospective post-bac student to meet with the office?

  • No. Sadly, we do not have the time or the resources to meet with prospective post-bac students. All the information needed can be found on our website.  You are welcome to send an email with questions.

What are the tuition costs for post-bac students?

  • Please refer to the CCNY Office of the Bursar for the most up-to-date information regarding undergraduate tuition and fees.

Are exemptions provided to allow students to take courses they do not have the pre-requisites for? (for example, can I take General Biology I and II at the same time?)

  • No.

Can I be dismissed from PHP as a post-bac?

  • Yes. All post-bac students are required to maintain a 3.2 cumulative GPA while in the program. If they do not, they will be dismissed from PHP.  However, a dismissal from PHP is NOT a dismissal from CCNY.

Can I start this program in the summer?

  • Yes.  However, students can only enroll at the college as non-degree through CCNY Admissions.  Also, we strongly discourage students from taking science during the summer, due to the accelerated pace of our summer semester.

Does this office provide clinical exposure, research and community service activities for post-bac students?

  • Yes.

Committee Letter Eligibility FAQs

  • Beginning January 2021 and moving forward:  undergraduate and post-bac students must have a science GPA (GPA consisting of subjects in Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Math ONLY) of 3.3+ to be eligible to meet with the Pre-Health Faculty Committee for a committee letter
  • Students who have a science GPA less than 3.3 will not be eligible for a committee letter under no circumstances
  • Only those who are officially part of the Program in Pre-Medical Studies and those with a sGPA of 3.3+ are eligible for a committee letter
  • Please do not apply to the Program in Pre-Medical Studies simply to obtain a committee letter
  • Beginning with the 2023 application cycle and moving forward, no student will be eligible for a committee letter with an MCAT score less than 510 for MD (allopathic) and 507 for DO (osteopathic).
  • For the post-bac students, to be eligible for a committee letter, you must have earned 24+ CCNY science credits.
  • To be eligible for a committee letter, undergraduates and post-bac students must be active in the program and have attended all the appropriate meetings/events

Last Updated: 11/21/2024 16:07