Non-Tax Levy Travel and Expenses
Non-Tax Levy Travel and Expenses Process
Non-Tax Levy Travel Authorizations
All Non-Tax-Levy employees who travel on CUNY business must observe CUNY’s process for authorizing and approving upcoming travel events. When CUNY employees anticipate upcoming travel, they are required to submit a Travel Authorization. Travel Authorizations must include all known and estimated expenses, be submitted and approved in advance of the business travel, and must be approved by both the employee’s Supervisor and by a Department Approver.
This approval process validates the need for the travel and the availability of funds for the anticipated expenses. Once a Travel Authorization is completely approved, an encumbrance for the total anticipated expense is created. This ensures that funds will be available when the corresponding Expense Report is submitted.
Only employees who have the Expense User role in CUNYfirst are eligible to submit a Travel Authorization. Every employee who is an Expense User has been set up with a default set of chartfields that will be populated onto the Travel Authorization.
An employee who is not configured in CUNYfirst as an Expense User should work with the Travel and Expense Administrator for their business unit who will complete that process based on data provided on the CUNYfirst Travel & Expenses User Access Request form.
CUNYfirst Navigation:
- Create a Non-Tax Levy Travel Authorization
- Approve a Non-Tax Levy Travel Authorization
- Check the status of a Non-Tax Levy Travel Authorization
- Delete a Non-Tax Levy Travel Authorization
- Cancel a Non-Tax Levy Travel Authorization
Non-Tax Levy Expense Reports
All Non-Tax-Levy employees who are eligible to receive reimbursements for expenses incurred in conducting CUNY business will use the Travel and Expense module in CUNYfirst to apply for those reimbursements. All expense users are responsible for ensuring that their Expense Reports are complete, accurate and adhere to the expense reimbursement requirements of CUNY, New York State and New York City. Expense reports that do not comply with these requirements will be returned to the employee to be modified to meet the requirements.
All Expense Reports must be accompanied by legible, unmodified and itemized receipts for all items to be reimbursed. These receipts must be scanned and the scanned files attached to the Expense Report in CUNYfirst.
Only employees who have the Expense User role in CUNYfirst and their proxies are eligible to submit an Expense Report. Every employee who is an Expense User has been set up with a default set of chartfields that will be populated onto the Expense Report.
An employee who is not configured in CUNYfirst as an Expense User should work with the Travel and Expense Administrator for their business unit who will complete that process. The CUNYfirst Travel & Expenses User Access Request form must be completed and approved by the employee’s Supervisor and the appropriate business unit approver based on the requested role.
Last Updated: 10/25/2021 16:49