Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable is responsible for the processing of payments, invoices and vouchers for the college in accordance with State law and CUNY Guidelines.
COVID-19 Related:
- CUNY Travel Advisory 09/17/2021 - UPDATED CUNY Travel Restrictions
- New York State Employee Travel Advisory policy dated July 1, 2020
- New York State COVID-19 Travel Advisory
- Operational Changes in Response to COVID-19
- COVID-19 Update:Travel message from Matthew Sapienza, Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
- COVID-19 Related Expenditure Tracking
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Travel Health Notices
- Water Cooler Rental and Bottle Delivery Services
- JCOPE Reports of Honoraria and Travel Reimbursements
- CCNY Print Management Program_Fiscal Year 2021
- Grainger/EDGE Punchout Marketplace
- Updated Food Catering Services memorandum_03_27_2019
- University-wide virtual bookstore contract with Akademos, Inc.
- Executive Orders Banning Travel to North Carolina and Mississippi.pdf
Non-Tax Levy:
- Prohibited Purchases through Reimbursements in NTL Business Units (02, 03, 16 & 55)
- Certain Non-Tax Levy (NTL) Purchases Transitioned to CUNYfirst
- NTL Implementation into CUNYfirst_Phase Two
- Non-Tax Levy Implementation in CUNYfirst
- Non-Tax Levy Funded Transactions in CUNYfirst
- University Office of Budget and Finance Advisory dated 06_08_2020: Fraudulent Purchase Orders
- Formal Notification to Vendors About Shipments
CUNYfirst Business Procedures
- CUNYfirst Procurement
- CUNY Credit Cards (P-cards/Travel cards/NET cards)
- Processing Honoraria
- Modest Meals and Light Refreshments
- Processing Student Stipends
- CUNYfirst Travel and Expense
Guides and Forms
- Receipt of Materials Certification form
- CUNY Travel Policy
- State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Travel Manual
- CUNY International Travel Guidelines
- CUNYfirst Tax Levy Signature Card 2022.pdf
Useful Links
Last Updated: 06/22/2022 10:04