Revised CUNYfirst Procurement User Access Request form
This is a required form to establish and/or change security access to the CUNYfirst "Financials Supply Chain" pillar, which grants system users the capability to purchase Tax Levy or Non-Tax Levy funded goods or services.
The completed form must be requested by the employee's manager and submitted to IT Security in NA 1/301.
Employees may not request access for themselves without appropriate approvals.
For transfer employees, separate Procurement forms must be completed to terminate access at the original Campus, and establish access at the new Campus. This request should be made in advance of the Effective Date of the personnel action.
The form should be completed electronically to ensure legibility.
CUNYfirst (PeopleSoft) Security forms (Scroll down to "Procurement Access Form" under "Financials"/see also "How to access CUNYfirst Procurement User Access Request form")
Employee Information Section
CUNY requires completion of ALL fields and employee signature acknowledging the "Confidentiality Statement":
- Last Name
- First Name
- CUNYfirst EMPLID (8-digit ID provided when users claim their account in CUNYfirst)
- Job Title
- College (select "City College of New York" from the drop-down menu)
- Department Name
- Work Phone
- CUNY Email address
- Employee Signature and Date (Confidentiality Statement)
Procurement Roles
Note: You can select multiple "Functional Roles," however, Requesters cannot approve requisitions that they create:
- Select either "Tax Levy" or "Non-Tax Levy"
Functional Role:
- Requester - creates requisitions in CUNYfirst and is responsible and accountable for purchases, (see also Section (A) on page 2)
- Creator - can perform data entry on behalf of Requester(s) in the creation of Non-Tax Levy requisitions ONLY, (see also Section (B) on page 2)
To approve requisitions in CUNYfirst, select the following three roles:
- Requester's Supervisor
- Department Approver Level 1 (see also Section (C) on page 2)
- Department Approver Level 2 (see also Section (C) on page 2)
Approvers must review and approve requisitions in CUNYfirst and are responsible for validating budget availablity and department purchasing priorities.
The following Category Approver roles are ONLY available to designated users in Information Technology, Environmental Health and Safety or Facilities departments:
- IT Category
- Facilities Category Approver
- Hazmat Category Approver
The following roles are ONLY available to users in either the Finance & Administration departments, CUNY Central or are unnecessary functional role(s). Do not select any of these roles:
- Budget Reviewer
- Buyer
- PO Approver
- Receiver - receiving functionality is included within the Requester role.
- Inspector - reserved for designated users in the Mailroom ONLY
- AP Voucher Entry
- AP Approver
- PayCycle Processor
- Vendor Add
- Vendor Mgmt.
- Contract Entry
- Contract Approval
REMOVE ALL PROCUREMENT ROLES - Select this option when submitting forms for users that have separated from the college.
Business Unit:
- CTYPR - Tax Levy
- CTY04 - Child Care Center (If you selected "Non-Tax Levy" under "Entity," you may select this option).
- CTY55 - Non-Tax Levy/Business Office (If you selected "Non-Tax Levy" under "Entity," you may select this option).
- Select either "Add" or "Remove"
Additional Information for Specific Procurement Roles
Section (A) - For completion by Requesters ONLY:
- Supervisor EMPLID - enter the 8-digit CUNYfirst EMPL ID of the Requester's Supervisor who will review and approve requisitions in CUNYfirst
- Ship To Code - enter the CUNYfirst campus building code and room number where merchandise is received (see below table):
CUNYfirst Building Designation | Campus Location |
25-7-67 | 25 Broadway (CWE) |
AB | Wille Administration Building |
AD | Aaron Davis Hall |
BH | Baskerville Hall |
CG | Compton-Goethals |
DI | Center for Discovery & Innovation |
HR | Harris Hall |
MS | Marshak Science Building |
NA | North Academic Center |
SA | Spitzer School of Architecture |
SH | Shepard Hall |
ST | Steinman Hall - Grove School of Engineering |
WG | Wingate Hall |
- Location Code - enter the CUNYfirst campus buidling code and room number where the Requester is located (refer to above table)
- Work Phone # - enter the Requester's campus/work phone number
- Entity:
- For Tax-Levy, refer to the Chartfield Lookup Tool for: Fund, Department, Major Purpose, Operating Unit, Program, Funding Source and Special Initiative.
- For Non Tax-Levy, refer to , Financial Accounting, for chartfield information
- GL Unit - select "CTY01" from the drop-down menu
Section (B) - For Completion by Creators ONLY (Non-Tax Levy):
- Creator EMPL - enter Creator's 8-digit CUNYfirst Employee ID. The Creator role is ONLY available for the creation of Non-Tax Levy requisitions.
- Authorized for Requester's EMPLID - enter 8-digit CUNYfirst Employee ID of Requester on whose behalf the Creator will perform data entry, (e.g. create requisitions). Creators can perform data entry for multiple Requesters.
Section (C) - For completion by Department Approvers ONLY:
- Approver EMPLID - enter Approver's 8-digit CUNYfirst employee ID
- Department Number - enter the 5-digit CUNYfirst department number (For Tax Levy,refer to Chartfield Lookup Tool for assistance. For Non-Tax Levy, refer to , Financial Accounting)
- Level - Approvers complete two lines: one line for Department Approver Level "1" and another line for Department Approver Level "2"
- Business Unit - for Tax Levy, select "CTYPR" from the drop-down menu. For Non-Tax Levy, select either "CTY04" (Childcare Center) or "CTY55" (Non-Tax Levy/Business Office), as appropriate.
Supervisor EMPL Changes
Complete this section ONLY if you need to change/update the current supervisor EMPLID of a Requester profile.
- Supervisor EMPLID - CUNYfirst employee ID of previous approving supervisor
- Last Name - last name of previous approving supervisor
- First Name - first name of previous approving supervisor
- Supervisor EMPLID - CUNYfirst employee ID of new approving supervisor
- Last Name - last name of new approving supervisor
- First Name - first name of new approving supervisor
Primary Permission List and Row Level Security
New Users:
- Do not leave this section blank
- Select a Primary Permission List
- Only ONE permission list is allowed for an individual
- The OIT Help Desk cannot process forms for New Users without the selection of a Primary Permission List
Existing Users:
- If you already have a procurement role you do not need to complete this section, unless you wish to change your Primary Permission List
Refer to the CUNYfirst Guide to Primary Permission List for assistance with completing this section.
Approvals and Special Considerations
Employee and Manager
- Last Name
- First Name
- Manager Last Name
- Manager First Name
- Manager Signature and Date
Special Considerations or Comments
- Indicate any explanatory notes and/or additional information," such as, additional CUNYfirst department numbers for Department Approvers, if more than six, (including "Level" and "Business Unit").
Submitting the Form
For Tax Levy, forward completed forms to Accounts Payable, Wingate Hall, Suite 112. For Non-Tax Levy, forward completed forms to Ilona Roman, Financial Accounting, Wingate Hall, Suite 112G. Incomplete or inaccurate forms are not acceptable and will be returned.
Accounts Payable or Financial Accounting will obtain the appropriate Campus Approvals and forward forms to the Office of Information Technology (OIT) for processing. The employee will receive a confirmation email from the CCNY IT Service Desk ( ).
Last Updated: 10/12/2021 13:31