

CCNY MFA Student Wins Princess Grace Film Award

Niav Conty among 24 emerging artists nationwide honored at gala Niav Conty, an MFA candidate at The City College of New York majoring in filmmaking, is one of 24 emerging artists in theater, dance and film nationwide named 2013 Princess Grace Award winners. She and the other winners will be honored at the 31st annual Princess Grace Awards Gala, Wednesday, October 30, at Cipriani 42nd Street, New York, hosted by the Princess Grace Foundation-USA (PGF-USA). The award comes with a grant that Ms. Conty will use in support of her thesis project, "Outworld," which is currently in postproduction. "It
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Interdisciplinary Studies Committee Promotes Inclusive Excellence

Sponsors events tied to national heritage month celebrations, World AIDS Day The Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at the City College Center for Worker Education (CWE) has established a Divisional Committee on Inclusive Excellence (DCIE) to work in conjunction with the President’s Council on Inclusive Excellence. The Committee seeks to implement President Coico’s mission to “encourage inclusiveness in hiring: fairness in faculty retention, tenure, and promotion, and provision of equal opportunity for all faculty and staff to rise, on their own merits, to leadership positions.” Carlos
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RNA Researcher Joan Steitz to Present Cosloy - Blank Lecture, Nov. 14

Dr. Joan Steitz, Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University, will present the 8th Annual Sharon Cosloy – Edward Blank Lecture at The City College of New York 4 p.m. Thursday, November 14, in Room 95, Shepard Hall, 160 Convent Ave., New York. Her talk is titled “Noncoding RNAs: with a Viral Twist.” A reception will follow in Room 250, Shepard Hall. The event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to 212-650-8499 or . A member of the Yale faculty since 1970, Dr. Steitz’ laboratory is dedicated to the study of RNA structure and function
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Broadway Legend Chita Rivera Receives CCNY Alumni Finley Award

Townsend Harris Medals Presented to Seven at November 7 Annual Dinner Legendary Broadway star and two-time Tony Award-winning actress Chita Rivera will receive the 66th John H. Finley Award from The Alumni Association of The City College of New York at the association's 133rd Annual Dinner, Thursday, November 7, at The New York Hilton. In addition, seven City College alumni with receive the Townsend Harris Medal at the dinner. About Chita Rivera Actress Chita Rivera has appeared in some of the most iconic productions on Broadway, beginning with her debut in "Call me Madam" at age 17. She rose
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Latin Grammy Nominee Septeto Nacional at Aaron Davis Hall

86-year-old Cuban group credited with popularizing ‘son’ genre gives concert November 15 with Dominican ‘sonero’ Cuco Valoy The City College Center for the Arts, in association with the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute, presents Latin Grammy nominee Septeto Nacional (National Septet) de Cuba Ignacio Piñeiro, 7 p.m. Friday, November 15, at Aaron Davis Hall on the City College campus. Cuco Valoy will appear with Septeto Nacional as a special guest. Considered one of Cuba’s national treasures, Septeto Nacional has been performing as a group since 1927. It is credited with
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Two Powell School Professors Honored for Journal Articles

Two Colin L. Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership faculty members were recognized this summer for excellence in research, receiving awards for articles published in scholarly journals during 2012. Both reports provide new insight into the workings of organizations in unconventional settings. An article co-authored by Dr. Maria C. Binz-Scharf, associate professor of management, was selected as the American Review of Public Administration Best Article for 2012. Dr. Katherine K. Chen, assistant professor of sociology, received the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2013 Outstanding
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Japanese Brush Painting Master Exhibits in Aaron Davis Hall

"Koho Yamamoto: Works of the Master," an exhibit by Koho Yamamoto opens Thursday, October 24, at The City College of New York's Aaron Davis Hall. The opening reception will be held that day from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The show runs through November 22 and is free and open to the public. Viewing hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. A master of the Japanese brush painting style of sumi-e, Ms. Yamamoto has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions in New York City and around the world. She is one of the featured artists in "Joining Forces: Living Art on the Hill," an outdoor public
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Dr. John Martin Awarded $3.7M for Movement Control Studies

$3.4M from NIH for brain development and injury research; $300K from Neilsen Foundation to study recovery of movement after brain or spinal injury The laboratory of Dr. John Martin, medical professor in The City College of New York’s Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, recently received $3.7 million for three new investigations into how the nervous system controls movement. Two $1.7 million, five-year awards from the National Institutes of Health and a grant of $300,000 over two years from the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation comprise the funding. The funds will be used to generate new
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Was Killing of Trujillo Good for Dominican Republic’s Image?

Book co-authored by CCNY sociologist Ramona Hernández examines how foreign press portrayed dictator’s assassination, coup two years later In the early 1960s, the Dominican Republic was rocked by two critical events: the assassination of longtime dictator Rafael Trujillo in May 1961 and the September 1963 coup d'etat that removed President Juan Bosch from power. City College of New York sociologist Dr. Ramona Hernández is the co-author of a new book, published in Spanish in the Dominican Republic, which examines how the foreign press portrayed these events and the country during the 27 months
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Hon. Sonia Sotomayor to Speak at City College November 18

First Hispanic to serve on U.S. Supreme Court to participate in conversation with President Coico, Professor Di Iorio on her memoir, “My Beloved World” The Hon. Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic to serve on the United States Supreme Court, will participate in a conversation about her memoir, “My Beloved World,” 5:30 p.m. Monday, November 18, in The Great Hall, Shepard Hall, on The City College of New York campus. The event, part of the Samuel Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture series, is free and open to the public. CCNY President Lisa S. Coico and Professor of English Lyn Di Iorio
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