A Special Message From the Director of the Zahn Center

We recently read a post by Alex Iskold from Techstars that echoes exactly the conversation we've been having at the Zahn Center about our commitment to our startups and the entrepreneurial community of CCNY, but before you check it out, keep reading.
As we all experienced this past week, the world is unpredictable. But one thing is certain: entrepreneurs will thrive in any environment. The person who operates without fear, with extraordinary persistence and competence, who knows her strengths and sense of purpose — this individual of entrepreneurial spirit will succeed in the face of change or even resistance. Now, more than ever, the entrepreneur in us all must come forward as we sift through an unpredictable future.
So we are doubling down on our support of entrepreneurs of past and future cohorts at CCNY. We know that the future of our economy, our planet and our country lies in the pursuit of our students passions. Through your innovation we can solve the most entrenched problems, empower the disenfranchised, equalize the playing field. And it is through the rich diversity of thought and perspective that is not unique to CCNY but celebrated here, we know you have the power to create real impact.
Like Alex, we are doubling down. The Zahn Center is specifically re-committing ourselves to:
  • Doing all we can to create a strong, diverse pipeline of entrepreneurs in NYC
  • Helping our founders choose their optimal path and ensure they live up to their own expectations
  • Connecting our students to the best events, individuals and opportunities for their success
  • Making more personal time to coach and mentor our founders
  • Speaking out publicly about the necessity of nurturing diversity in tech and social entrepreneurship

Zahntrepreneurs set big hairy audacious goals and solve problems that matter, issues that are often overlooked and effect communities in need. It's an honor to be a part of that and foster innovation at City College.

Its up to us all to build the future we want; a future that lives up to our most ambitious dreams and supports all people in this country with the tenacity to think big.

Okay, now you can read Alex's post here!

Come stop by. We're here for all of you.

–Lindsay and the Zahn Team

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