Entrepreneurship, Women & Diversity
Who’s ready for Fall, CCNY? Register now for the CCNY course Entrepreneurship, Women & Diversity, an elective course about entrepreneurship from a unique perspective! It’s cross-listed as BLST 34150, ECO 34150, or WS 34150. This class will be held entirely online for the Fall 2020 semester and may include a mix of virtual sessions that are held live via Zoom and pre-recorded videos. It’s sponsored by the Zahn Innovation Center, reach out to contact@zahncenternyc.com with questions about the course. Registration questions should go to your advisor.
Learn from entrepreneur Kim Wales & discover how women and those from underrepresented backgrounds are disrupting the status quo and transforming the economy with new innovations. This class not only celebrates underrepresented entrepreneurs but helps you develop entrepreneurial skills. You don’t have to know a lot about business to take this course, but you’ll know a lot by the end of the semester

Kim Wales is the founder and CEO of Wales Capital and CrowdBureau. She has advised and influenced decision-making for a new investor class and asset classes through recommendations to the Securities and Exchange Commission, FINRA, European Commission, the Ontario Securities Commission, Taiwan Financial Supervisor Commission, Australian Stock Exchange, and other state and federal government agencies as related to equity and debt-based crowdfunding.
Email contact@zahncenternyc.com for questions or more information.
Last Updated: 02/03/2021 11:31