Program Descriptions

Educational Theatre program tracks:

The Educational Theatre Program offers the  following  graduate courses of study:
Initial Certification and MSED in Educational Theatre: Leads to Initial Certification in Theatre & M.S. Ed in Educational Theatre for candidates who do not currently hold initial teaching certification
Second Certification and MSED in Educational Theatre: Leads to Initial Certification in Theatre & M.S. Ed in Educational Theatre for candidates who already hold initial teaching certification in a subject other than Theatre
Professional Certification and MSED in Educational Theatre: Leads to Professional Certification in Theatre & M.S. Ed in Educational Theatre for candidates who already hold Initial certification in Theatre
MSED in Educational Theatre: Leads to M.S. Ed in Educational Theatre for candidates who wish to obtain a Master's degree only
Advanced Certificate - Initial Certification in Educational Theatre: Leads to Initial Certification in Theatre for candidates who hold an Masters Degree in Educational Theatre, Applied Theatre, an MFA in Theatre or an equivalent.

For CCNY Theatre Majors only


Educational Theatre, MSED (NY State Initial Certification with BA in Theatre)

Educational Theatre, MSED (Non Certification with BA in Theatre)

Graduate students interacting with children
Graduate Candidates facilitate
activities with children from
the Harlem community.

If you have questions or need assistance: 

  • Chair's Office, North Academic Center, Room 6/207B
  • Office of Admissions and Student Services, North Academic Center, Room 3/223A
  • Program Office, North Academic Center, Room 5/207.

Last Updated: 05/09/2022 16:14