Advaced Laboratory for Chemical and Isotopic Signatures (ALCIS)


Designed to support characterizations of molecular, elemental, and isotopic signatures of materials in modern and paleo-earth systems, with a focus on understanding how human activities modify natural earth processes.



Brian M. Giebel, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Facility Director, Advanced Laboratory for Chemical & Isotopic Signatures

Facility Structure



The facility houses 2 magnetic sector isotope ratio mass spectrometers (a Thermo Scientific MAT-253 Plus and a Thermo Scientific Delta V Plus) and a variety of inlet system peripherals (i.e., high temperature conversion elemental analyzer, gas bench, Kiel Device, and GC-ISOLINK). ancillary and supporting equipment including: Shimadzu QP2010-SE GC/MS, Thermo Scientific Dionex Accelerated Solvent Extractor (ASE) 350, New Wave Research high resolution micromilling and sampling capabilities, Sartorius and Mettler ultra/microbalance, custom online/offline gas vacuum extraction line, Elga water purification system, and numerous cold storage units.

Last Updated: 09/22/2023 14:02