Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility


The ASRC MRI Facility’s (MRIF) resources are available to any interested users having any level of previous experience, from none to advanced.  New users are highly encouraged to work with the MRIF staff to develop an effective research strategy:  from initial experimental design, to operational procedures, to data acquisition and preprocessing.



Dr. Duke Shereen at .

Facility Structure

The Neuroscience Facilities at the Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) are open to all users regardless of their level of expertise. Facilities staff will work with users to help them develop an effective research plan. Novice users are highly encouraged to communicate with facility staff frequently during the initial phases of their research. To learn more about how to get started, please look here. To find out more about study proposals, please look here. General policies about the facility is found in the following link:

Please look at the following link for information how to become a user of the facility:


The MRIF houses a Siemens 3 Tesla Prisma MRI Scanner equipped with a variety of RF coils:  20, 32, and 64 channel head/neck receivers, total spine RF coil integrated into the table, 3 flex coils for arm, leg, or chest imaging, and a body coil for whole body imaging. In addition, there are several ancillary equipment available: 64/32 channel MRI compatible EEG, eye tracker, 32” LCD screen, activie noise cancelling headphones, response boxes, physiological monitoring, MRI simulator, MRI safe vision correction lenses, and MRI compatible HD-tDCS. To view the instruments available in the MRI Facility, please click here. 

Last Updated: 09/22/2023 14:03