Summer 2021 Syllabus Physics 20700 1XB, 1XB2

Physics 207- General Physics
Summer 2021
City College of the City University of New York
Prof. Sebastian Franco:
Office: MR315
• Lectures: MW 10:30 am to 12:10 pm
Th 10:30 am to 12:10 pm
• Recitations: MW 1:20 pm to 3:00 pm
• Office hours: MW 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm (or by appointment)
• Lab schedule: check CUNYfirst for details
Zoom Lectures and Recitations
The lectures and recitations will be held via Zoom at the following link:
• Topic: PHYS 207 - Summer Term - Prof. Sebastian Franco
I will let you know by email if this link needs to be modified at any point during the term.
1. Units, physical quantities and vectors
2. One-dimensional motion
3. Two-dimension motion; projectile and circular motion
4. Newton’s laws of motion
5. Work and kinetic energy
6. Potential energy and energy conservation
7. Momentum, impulse and collisions
8. Rotation of rigid bodies
9. Equilibrium of rigid bodies
10. Gravitation
11. Periodic motion
12. Fluid mechanics
13. Temperature and heat
14. First and second laws of thermodynamics
• Fundamentals of Physics, Halliday, Resnick, Walker (any edition)
Homework and Assignments
We will use the WileyPLUS system for homework. There are different subscription options. A
particularly convenient one is a bundle for $70 for which I will provide instructions and a
promo code. This bundle also provides access to an electronic vesion of the Textbook. You
can wait until after the start of the classes to subscribe.
The grade will computed as follows:
• Exams (midterms + final) 65%
• Homework 20%
• Lab reports 10%
• Attendance and participation 5%
Very important: despite the percentages given in the table above, attending the labs and writing
the corresponding reports is mandatory. Failure to do so will result in failing the course.
Additional Information
Course Objectives: understand the basic physics involved in mechanics (the study of motion
and its causes) and in thermodynamics (the study of heat and work) which is needed for science
and engineering. The emphasis will be on analytical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Reading: It is extremely helpful if you read the appropriate sections in the textbook before
coming to class.
Effort required: Don’t underestimate the amount of effort required for you to succeed in this
course. Many students, in particular those who have not taken a previous course in physics, will
need to spend 5-10 hours per week, every week, studying physics and doing the assigned
homework problems, in addition to the time spent in lecture and lab.
Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty is prohibited in the City University of New York and
is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.

Last Updated: 06/03/2021 16:35