V0100 Mathematical Methods in Physics
Topics in complex variables; methods for ordinary and partial differential equations; Green's functions; eigenfunction expansions; integral transforms; integral equations; tensor analysis; group theory; higher algebra; numerical methods. All master's students will generally be required to take Physics V0100.
3 HR./WK., PLUS CONF.; 4 CR.
V1100 Analytical Dynamics
The Lagrangian formulation, including Hamilton's principle; Lagrange's equations; central force motion; Kepler problem, scattering; rigid body motion; transformation matrices. Eulerian angles, inertia tensor. The Hamiltonian formulation including canonical equations; canonical transformations; Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Small oscillations. Continuous systems and fields. Relativistic dynamics. All master's students will generally be required to take V1100.
Prereq or coreq: Physics V0100.
3 HR./WK., PLUS CONF.; 4 CR.
V1500-1600 Electromagnetic Theory
Electrostatics, magnetostatics, and boundary value problems; Maxwell's equations; multipole radiation from accelerated charges; scattering theory; special theory of relativity.
Prereq or coreq: Physics V0100. All master's students will generally be required to take V1500-1600.
V2500-2600 Quantum Mechanics
U3500 Quantum Physics I (55100)
Introductory material: 2-slit experiment, matter waves and addition of amplitudes–superposition principle; Uncertainty principle, properties of matter waves: Boundary conditions and energy level quantization and Schrödinger interpretation–wave equation, application to one dimensional problems, barrier penetration, Bloch states in solids and how bands form in solids; The universality of the Harmonic potential–Simple Harmonic oscillator and applications; One electron atoms, spin, transition rates; Identical particles and quantum statistics; Beyond the Schrödinger equation: Variational methods and WKB.
Prereq.: MATH 39100 and MATH 39200. Pre- or coreq.: PHYS 35100, PHYS 35400 (required for Physics majors). 4 hr./wk.; 4 cr.
U3600 Quantum Physics II (55200)
Methods used in the study of biophysics and biomedical physics. Study of the physical basis of spectroscopic methods including light absorption or scatering, fluorescence, NMR and X-ray diffraction for the study of biomolecules. Biomedical imaging including sonogram, MRI, and tomography will be discussed.
Prereq: PHYS 42200 or the consent of the instructor. 3 hr./wk.; 3cr.
V3800 Biophysics (42200)
Introduction to the structure, properties, and function of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and membranes. In depth study of the physical basis of selected systems including vision, nerve transmission, photosynthesis, enzyme mechanism, and cellular diffusion. Introduction to spectroscopic methods for monitoring reactions and determining structure including light absorption or scattering, fluorescence, NMR and X-ray diffraction. The course emphasizes reading and interpretation of the original literature.
Prereq.: 1 yr. of Math, 1 yr. of Physics (elective for Physics Majors and Biomedical Engineering students). 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
V3900 Biophysics in Applications (42300)
V4100 Statistical Mechanics
V4500 Solid State Physics (55400)
(Same as PHYS U4500) Crystal structure and symmetry; crystal diffraction; crystal binding; phonons and lattice vibrations; thermal properties of insulators; free electron theory of metals; energy bands; Fermi surfaces; semiconductors, selected topics in superconductivity, dielectric properties, ferro-electricity, magnetism.
Prereq.: PHYS 55100 or equivalent, e.g. CHEM 33200 or PHYS 32100 (elective for Physics and Engineering majors). 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
V4600 Physics and Chemistry of Materials (55500)
(Same as Physics U4600) Examples, characteristic properties, and applications of important classes of materials (semiconductors, ceramics, metals, polymers, dielectrics and ferroelectrics, super-conductors, magnetic materials); surfaces and interfaces of solids; selected topics in the synthesis, processing and characterization of materials.
Prereq.: Phys 55400 or equivalent, e.g. EE 45400 or ChE 46400 (required of Physics majors in the Applied Physics/Material Science Option; and elective for other Physics majors and for Engineering majors).
U5300 Physical Photonics I/Laser Optics (45300)
Theory and applications of lasers and masers. Physical principles underlying the design of lasers, coherent optics, and non-linear optics.
Pre-or coreq.: a course in modern physics (PHYS 55100 or PHYS 32100), a course in electricity and magnetism (PHYS 35400 or EE 33200). Optics (PHYS 45200) is desirable but not required (elective for Physics and Engineering majors). 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.
V7100, V7200 Graduate Physics Laboraotry I, II
The concepts and tools of experimental physics. Basic analog apparatus and digital electronics; the use of minicomputers for data acquisition, the control of experiments and data analysis; discussion of intrinsic noise and error analysis. Execution of several advanced experiments, including statistics of radioactive decay, Raman spectroscopy, temperature dependence of resistivity, and others.
2 LECT., 2 LAB. HR./WK.; 4 CR
Graduate Bulletin, Physics Masters
Courses that have advanced undergraduate equivalents show them in parentheses.
Last Updated: 12/10/2024 12:06