The Department of Physics at City College has a long tradition of distinguished faculty and students. Today the Department continues to reflect this tradition of scientific excellence by carrying out internationally recognized cutting edge research and providing exceptional educational opportunities. The faculty include members of the National Academies of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering, fellows of the American Physical Society, Optical Society of America, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The department is housed in the Marshak building and the Center for Discovery and Innovation, part of the newly constructed state of the art science complex on the south end of the campus. The faculty and students in the department are engaged in cutting-edge research in wide array of areas, including biophysics, condensed matter and soft-condensed matter physics, high-energy physics, ultrafast spectroscopy and photonics, physics education, and science policy.
Students have the opportunity to pursue undergraduate (BS) and graduate (MS/PhD) studies in the department. Especially worth emphasizing is the research opportunity offered to undergraduate students in almost all areas. A special welcome to prospective students - high school students thinking of CCNY physics BS program, undeclared CCNY/ CUNY students considering physics as a major and undergraduate students thinking of joining one of the research groups for their graduate studies - Please browse the website to get more information about our programs, admission process and research opportunities.
The alumni from the department have gone on to achieve international prominence in academia, industry and national labs. Among the roster are three Nobel prize winners - Arno Penzias (Class of 1954), Leon Lederman (Class of 1943) and Robert Hofstadter (Class of 1935). We would love to keep in touch with the alumni. Please take a look at the news and ongoing events in the department including weekly colloquium, research seminars, named lectures and outreach events.
We take pride in the diversity of our department at all levels ranging from undergraduate, graduate, post-doctoral researchers, staff and faculty. We strive to further this and value the benefits of having a diverse community of members from underrepresented groups and around the world.
Feel free to reach us either via email (physdept@ccny.cuny.edu) or phone (212) 650-6832.
Best wishes
Sebastian Franco
Last Updated: 01/09/2023 16:07