City College offers a Bachelor's of Science in Physics degree. You can choose between four different concentrations, depending on your interests and long term goals.
Choose a concentration below to learn more:
Standard Physics
This is our general physics BS. If you want a solid education in physics, without specializing in anything in particular, this is the option for you. Many students in this concentration go on to graduate school in Physics or Astronomy. Learn more...
Secondary Education
The secondary education concentration is intended for those intending to pursue careers in teaching high school physics. Taken in conjunction with a Science Education minor, students graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Physics and a New York State High School Physics Teaching Certificate. Learn more...
Applied Physics
The Applied Physics concentration is intended for students planning to pursue careers in research and development in areas of condensed matter physics, nano-electronics and material science. Learn more...
Biomedical Physics
The Medical Physics concentration is intended for students want to apply to medical school, who may pursue a graduate degree in biological physics or who would like to pursue a masters in Medical Physics.

Declaring the Major
If you've completed PHYS 20800 with a C or better, then you are eligible to declare the physics major. Please use the iDeclare system to initiate the process.
Finishing your Degree
The College's general requirement for awarding degrees are as follows:
- Complete a minimum of 120 credits. These credits are composed of general education requirements, major requirements and free electives.
- Maintain a minimum "C" or better average (i.e., a G.P.A. of at least 2.0) for all coursework taken at The City College, as well as a minimum G.P.A. of at least 2.0 in their major. (Note that some majors require a higher minimum G.P.A.)
- Satisfy a residency requirement by completing a total of 80 credits or the final 30 credits at City College, as well as at least 60% of their major at City College.
- Clear their account of any fees and fines due.
As you enter your final semester, you will have the option to apply for graduation on CunyFirst. You should also meet with your physics major advisor and complete a Grad Check to make sure you have finished all the requirements of the physics major.
Last Updated: 02/19/2022 10:25