Office of Human Resources
This memo serves as a reminder of the importance of the timely submission of timesheets. Timesheets are required by the College and CUNY and are an important accounting tool for recording the hours employees work. Timesheets also allow for effective and accurate tracking of employees’ time and leave balances.
It is the responsibility of the Office of Human Resources Time and Leave Unit to ensure the College is in compliance with CUNY’s requirement that complete and accurate timesheets are on file for all employees.
Accordingly, all staff who submit timesheets through eCT (Electronic Central Timekeeping), please review your timesheet history in eCT to ensure that you are current with your submissions. Employees who are missing timesheets must submit them through eCT no later than Monday, December 19, 2022.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Time and Leave via email at or via phone at 212-650-7796.