Vincent Boudreau was appointed president of The City College of New York by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York on December 4, 2017. Prior to that, he served as the founding dean of the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at CCNY from 2013 through 2016. From 2002 through 2013, he served as the founding director of the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at CCNY, was a professor of political science at City College, and a member of the City University of New York graduate faculty.
A specialist in the politics of social movements, particularly in Southeast Asia, his latest book is Resisting Dictatorship: Repression and Protest in Southeast Asia (Cambridge University Press). He also conducted research about government transitions to democracy, collective violence, and the relationship between civil society, social movements, and democratization processes in Indonesia and the Philippines.
At City College, where Dr. Boudreau has worked since receiving his degree, he served as the director of the M.A. Program in International Relations, the chair of the Department of Political Science, the director of the International Studies Program, and the deputy dean of the Division of Social Science. He serves on the editorial committee of Comparative Politics, and has undertaken projects with ActionAid Asia, Jubilee South Asia, The Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement, and Freedom House.
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Meeting of Minds and Mobilization: for Environmental Justice and NISAR, A NASA/India Collaboration
From City to the World looks at climate change from the skies to the streets: In this episode, hosted by CCNY President Vincent Boudreau, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Prof. Kyle C. McDonald outlines his collaboration with NASA through research and the new NISAR satellite mission's revolutionary capabilities. Since NISAR findings on climate effects will be public, how can this data be harnessed by organizations advocating on the ground for sound policy and environmental justice? Peggy Shepard, a national leader in… Read More »
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