Cabinet Meeting Minutes November 13, 2023

Cabinet Meeting
Monday, November 13, 2023
10:00 am - Noon

Facilitator: COO Scott Gurba
Presenter: VP Celia Lloyd

  1. Vince Boudreau, President
  2. Doris Cintron, Senior Associate Provost
  3. Alex Couzis, Dean, Grove School of Engineering
  4. Ramon De Los Santos, Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs
  5. Carmen Green, Dean, CUNY School of Medicine
  6. Scott Gurba, Chief Operating Officer
  7. Marta Gutman, Dean, Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
  8. David Jeruzalmi, Chairman, The Faculty Senate
  9. Sheryl Konisberg
  10. Tony Liss, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
  11. Celia Lloyd, Vice President, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
  12. Eva Medina
  13. Juan Carlos Mercado, Dean of Interdisciplinary Studies at CWE & Professional Continuing Studies
  14. Renata Miller, Dean, Division of Humanities and the Arts
  15. Dee Dee Mozeleski, Senior Advisor to the President and VP & Executive Director, Office of Institutional Advancement, Communications and External Relations and The Foundation for City College
  16. Paul Occhiogrosso, Executive Counsel to the President
  17. Marie Owumi, Special Projects Manager, Office of the President
  18. Susan Perkins, Dean, Division of Science
  19. Lesly Pierre
  20. Andrew Rich, Dean, The Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership
  21. Teresa Scala, Chief of Staff, Office of the Provost
  22. Ruth Stark, Chairperson, Faculty Committee on Personnel Matters
  23. Mary Ruth Strzeszewski, Associate Provost for Academic Programs
  24. Vanessa Valdes, Associate Provost for Community Engagement


  1. Ken Ihrer, Chief Information Officer
  2. Edwin Lamboy, Dean, School of Education
  3. Naomi Nwosu-Stewart, Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management
  4. Rosemarie Wesson, Associate Provost for Research

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by COO Gurba.

The October 30 minutes were reviewed and approved.

President Boudreau and COO Gurba introduced two new staff members to the Cabinet members, the Assistant Vice President of Facilities Management, Lesly Pierre, and the Chief Diversity Officer, Sheryl Konigsberg. They both gave a brief overview of their backgrounds and the responsibilities that they would be taking on in their new roles.

Provost Liss announced that Dr. Ranajeet Ghose would likely be stepping in as the interim Associate Provost for Research while a search is underway for a permanent replacement for Dr. Wesson following her upcoming departure from the college in December.

President Boudreau opened the conversation to Cabinet members regarding the current campus climate. Ensuring student safety, both physically and mentally, was the primary viewpoint shared and the theme across all responses. VP Mozeleski expanded on the college’s use of Meltwater as a tool to curate news content and social media. It is also used to track posts which can prove dangerous such as threats against the campus or against individuals within the campus. These posts are reported and substantiated before any action is taken. She spoke on a few incidents which have been reported through Meltwater and the actions that are currently being taken to address the issues. Various departments discussed the events that they were organizing on campus to foster dialogue in a structured manner. The Student Government organizations are arranging to sponsor a campus-wide dialogue session with students to voice their opinions in a safe space. President Boudreau and VP Mozeleski will be moderators at the first session, using sustained dialogue guidelines. It was suggested that sustained dialogue sessions be conducted with faculty and staff as well, as this would promote better conversations with students.

COO Gurba and Director Medina gave a presentation on the projected budget numbers for the end of FY 2023, FY 2024, quarter by quarter, and some preliminary numbers for FY 2025.  COO Gurba discussed the work that the BARFIT (Bursar, Admissions, Registrar, Finance, IT) team is doing in preparation for student deregistration and holds. He asked that Cabinet members pay attention to the following dates:

  1. December 11 - A list will be sent out to advisors of students who cannot register for classes.
  2. January 2 - A second, similar email will go out to advisors
  3. January 18 - Deregistration date

The conversation was moved to Navigate and 4-semester scheduling. President Boudreau gave updates on the progress that has been made since the last Cabinet meeting, including:

  1. The link to the portal has been added to the homepage of the Navigate website
  2. An instructional manual has been drafted and should be distributed to all departments to test the Navigate portal
  3. Deans should have begun naming faculty champions for each department

Provost Liss will be putting together a new campaign for Navigate programming and it will be put into effect the week of November 27, approximately.

The departmental presentation for Student Affairs will take place during the November 27 Cabinet meeting. VP Lloyd gave an update on expansion strategies that are going into effect at the One Stop, such as the utilization of virtual services, the addition of a financial aid expert and student affairs representative, and broader advertising. COO Gurba also gave an update on food vendor services for the campus. The goal is to have the official campus food vendors selected by early March and a soft launch in the summer, with the hard launch in Fall 2024.

Executive Counsel Occiogrosso was selected as the next meeting facilitator and the meeting was adjourned at 11:57 am.

November 27 Cabinet Meeting Agenda

Facilitator - Executive Counsel Occhiogrosso
Presentation - AVP Nwosu-Stewart, AVP De Los Santos


  1. Approval of the November 13 Cabinet Meeting Minutes
  2. President’s Announcements
  3. Campus Climate Check in
  4. Navigate
  5. Internal PMP Planning
    1. One Stop Matrix
    2. The Hub Matrix
  6. Presentation (AVP Nwosu-Stewart, AVP De Los Santos)

Last Updated: 04/04/2024 17:49