Who should I contact about: major or minor, choosing courses, identifying cross-listed courses, possible careers?

A:    During the Fall 2023 semester, speak with the Fall 2023 Sociology Undergraduate Advisor Prof. Maritsa Poros

During the Spring 2024 semester, speak with the Spring 2024 Sociology Undergraduate Advisor Prof. Gwendolyn Dordick

During winter break and summer breaks, speak with the department office assistant Ms. Laura Bowman.

How do I declare a major in Sociology?

Please connect with our sociology department advisor first so that you can understand the major requirements and develop a relationship with our department.

For instance, our advisor can share insights into how particular classes might support your interests and growth. Then, you can declare the major yourself by going here: iDeclare

Do I have to complete SOC 105 before declaring the Sociology major or before taking other Sociology classes?

A:     No. A few classes – for example, SOC 237 theory - have a prerequisite of SOC 105,
        but these classes may be taken during the same semester, with a permit from the sociology advisor.

How can I minor? How can I do a double major in another field?

Check the course bulletin (available on-line) to see the requirements for minoring or majoring in the other field. Then, speak to an advisor from that department to learn the specifics.

Most credits from the professional schools (education, architecture, and engineering) do not carry over to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.  So, you may wish to consider obtaining a second degree instead of a double major.

Is an internship, fieldwork, or senior thesis required for the Sociology major or minor?

A:    No.

Is a concentration required for the Sociology major or minor?

A:    No.

How can Non-Sociology majors benefit from taking a Sociology course?

Sociology courses offer specific skill sets that emphasize developing, testing, and applying theories, critical reasoning, writing for multiple audiences, and applying research methods, including survey techniques, ethnography, interviewing, quantitative and qualitative analyses. These skills prepare students for a wide and diverse range of jobs in public policy, local, state and federal government and nonprofit organizations and for-profit firms in education, human and social services, advertising, marketing, research, academia, law, writing and publishing.

A course says “department consent” is required to enroll. How do I request this?

A:    None of our courses require department consent.
       If a course has “CWE” in its prefix, then it’s a Center for Worker Education Course.
      You will need to contact them for permission to enroll.  https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/cwe

A course is listed as “HYB” or “hybrid.” What does this mean?

A:   The course might have additional content or work that is online on Blackboard.
      Or the course may meet once a week in-person and require online work on other days,
      Or some variation of this. Inquire with the instructor to find out more.

What are office hours? (or what are student hours?)

Office/student hours are designated times when students can meet one-on-one with instructors in-person, virtually, or by phone to go over questions or work.  It is an ideal way to get to know an instructor, especially if you might need letters of recommendation later on. If you are having difficulties, an instructor might be able to refer you to appropriate resources.

How can I get involved in research?

Besides enrolling in our classes where you can learn about research findings and how to conduct research, some of our faculty members offer research opportunities, such as fieldwork or independent studies. Contact faculty members whose interests most closely match yours to identify possible opportunities.

I am interested in attending graduate school. How do I find out about opportunities?

Before deciding to attend graduate school, you’ll want to find out whether a graduate degree is needed for your desired career.

  • Check out the Bureau of Labor Statistics’s online Occupational Outlook Handbook.
  • A CUNY and NYPL librarian can help you with looking up information about desired occupations and whether these require degrees.  For example, if you want to practice as a licensed professional like a public school teacher, social worker, nurse, medical doctor, or a lawyer, most likely you will need to earn a particular type of graduate degree.
  • Talk with people who are your desired fields and/or organizations and find out how they got their job.  This is called an “informational interview.” 
  • Professional associations may feature informative events and share advice.
  • When considering programs, talk with recent alumni who can tell you what the program is like and what people do with their degrees after completing the program.
  • Think carefully about how you will finance a graduate degree. Even if you are offered a scholarship, some degrees might involve taking out substantial loans – if so, you’ll want to think about your earning potential. 
  • Graduate school applications will require getting several letters of recommendation. Respectfully approach instructors and internship supervisors who know your work well and provide them with your (1) resume, (2) statement of purpose outlining why you want to get a particular degree/work in a internship/how you will use or benefit from a fellowship or scholarship, (3) transcript, and any other helpful information like where to send the letter and the deadline for sending the letter. For more about this, see “how do I ask for a letter of recommendation?”
  • For insights into the professionalization processes of graduate programs, consult guides such as Prof. Fabio Rojas's Grad Skool Rulz and Prof. Jessica McCrory Calarco's A Field Guide to Grad School.

I would like to apply for a fellowship, internship, scholarship, or graduate school. The application requires getting a letter of recommendation. How do I do this?

Ideally, the person who writes the letter of recommendation is familiar with you and your work. Perhaps this is an instructor with whom you took a class and got to know you through discussions, your work, and office hours.

Respectfully approach instructors, internship supervisors, or other persons who know your work well and ask whether they are able to write a good letter of recommendation. If they can write a letter, then provide them with your (1) resume, (2) statement of purpose outlining why you want to get a particular degree, (3) transcript, and any other helpful information like where to send the letter and the deadline for sending the letter.  If you have copies of work completed in that class, such as papers, you may want to provide these. If your transcript shows uneven grades during a particular semester, explain to your letter-writer what happened during that semester (i.e., a family member was ill and you were caregiving for that person).

Ideally, you want to give an instructor several weeks in advance of a deadline to prepare a letter.  A good letter can take a letter-writer up to an hour to prepare, write, upload, and send out.

Sometimes forms for letters will give you a choice about whether you waive the right to read a recommender’s letter. If you don’t waive this right, some readers will see this and wonder why.

Make sure to thank your letter-writers for their help. Let them know of the outcome of your application.

What is CUNYfirst? Where can I find help with using CUNYfirst?

Learn about CUNYfirst here.

You can find help with using CUNYfirst here:


-> Click the plus sign next to “Student Resources”

Where can I find help with using DegreeWorks?

You can find help with using DegreeWorks here: Registrar-DegreeWorks

How can I find classes at CCNY or CUNY?

You can view classes by logging into CUNYfirst and using schedule builder. Here are step-by-step screenshots to how to use schedule builder.

Alternatively, you can view classes here without logging into CUNYfirst. 

For directions, see these step-by-step screenshots.

How do I drop or add a course?

Fill out an add/drop form from the Registrar’s office and have your course instructor sign it; return the form to the Registrar.

What do the course numbers mean? What is the difference between a SOC 200-level course and a SOC 300-level course?

100-level courses are introductory courses.  For sociology, our introductory course is SOC 105 Introduction to Sociology. 

200-level courses are usually intermediate level courses with a specific topic. Two of our required courses are at the 200 level:

  • SOC 23200 Methods and Techniques of Sociological Research (4 credits)
  • SOC 23700: Foundations of Sociological Theory  (4 credits)  

Our other 200 level courses are electives that count towards the sociology major or minor.

300-level courses could be either of the following:

  • an advanced course that appears in the official course catalog
  • a special topics course that does not yet appear in the official course catalog. It could be an intermediate or advanced course, check with the instructor teaching the course.

Our 300-level courses count are specialty electives that count towards the sociology major or minor.​  

Can I take Sociology courses at other CUNY colleges and get credit at my home campus?

Yes, this is an ideal way to take courses with an expert in a particular area (i.e., a leading criminologist) not offered at your home campus. You can do so by getting an E-Permit, assuming the course is not already offered that semester at CCNY. The following pages will show you how:



NOTE: Be sure to adhere to the Residency Requirements:

For both the sociology major and minor at CCNY, you must complete 60% of your sociology courses at CCNY.

Other school requirements must be satisfied to reach a total of 120 credits to graduate. Those requirements are not the same for BA in Sociology.

Check DegreeWorks for the exact school requirements that apply to you.

Note that the Chrome browser will not work with DegreeWorks. Firefox works well.

All students need to have 80 credits, or their last 30 credits, be taken at CCNY.

Where should I go if I have an issue, like a grading dispute, with a course or an instructor?

Your first step should be to discuss your concerns, ideally during office hours or in a meeting, with your instructor. If this discussion does not produce a satisfactory result, take your concerns to the department chair, who can suggest additional options.

Is class attendance required?

Yes. Learning is most likely to happen when you have a relationship with fellow students and your instructor – such relationships are more likely to form when you are regularly attending class and an active participant in activities.

What happens when a student gets an “Incomplete/ INC” grade?

Under certain circumstances when a student has completed the majority of work for a class but becomes ill or has an emergency, an instructor may offer that student an incomplete (INC) grade in which the student is expected to complete and turn in the work by a certain date. If the instructor has submitted a passing grade, the INC will be replaced by that earned grade. Otherwise, the Registrar’s Office will change the temporary grade of INC to failure (FIN) by the tenth week of the following semester. Students who receive an INC grade are encouraged to work with their instructors in order to complete the necessary coursework to have the grade changed.

What can a student do with a “F” in a course?

A student may be eligible for the repeat-F policy. A student may repeat up to 16 credits of failed courses; if the second grade is C or higher (C- does not qualify), the original grade of F will not be used in calculation of the GPA. The revised GPA will be used for graduation.  However, the course and grade of F remain on your transcript. In addition, the F grade will apply to graduation honors. Consult with the Office of the Registrar for specific applications of this policy.

Where can I find a place to study or work with classmates?

Besides the cafeteria and rotunda in our North Academic Center (NA) building, you can study at our libraries, which include Cohen library, and computer labs, or our new Colin Powell School student space at NA 6/289.

Last Updated: 08/23/2023 22:56