Staff and faculty formed committees to plan events and projects which included: panel discussions, podcasts, interviews, collaboration with schools and community partners, student projects, and a 100 year timeline of the School of Education. We recognize the work of the following committees:
- Alumni Outreach Committee
- History and Technology Committee
- Publications Committee
- Student Involvement Committee
- Swag and Marketing Committee
- Workshop Center Committee
Centennial Committee Members
The preparation and design for the centennial took place in monthly meetings by staff and faculty. We discussed ideas for its theme and decided upon “Educating for Democracy in a Diverse World”. We also voted on such topics as: the logo, the keynote speakers, and the year-long calendar of events. When the pandemic hit in early 2020, the committee recalibrated its plans and redesigned in-person events to virtual platforms.
Here are those who volunteered their time, expertise, and ideas. The centennial owes its success to those below:
Staff and Faculty
Bruce Billig
Carolee Bongiorno
Randy Brozen
Nancy Cardwell
Mary Carpenter
Ebony Chavis
Yvel Crevecoeur
Joseph Davis
Aminata Diop
Mary Driscoll (former Dean)
Elizabeth Dunn-Ruiz
Debbie Edwards-Anderson
Elise Engler
Beverly Falk
Jesús Fraga
Catherine Franklin
Vicki Garavuso
Laura Gellert
Lynette Godley
Doris Grasserbauer
Walter Greigg
Amita Gupta
Carol Huang
Gretchen Johnson (retired Dean)
Sobha Kavanakudiyil
Bruce Kanze
Edwin Lamboy (current Dean)
Leonard Lewis
Robert Lubetsky
Chi Ng
Yolaine Nivar
Stacia Pusey
Teresa Rivera
Noris Rodríguez
Marty Rosenman
Margaret Schehl
Despina Stylianou
Jan Valle
Katherine Vargas
Tristin Wildstein
Henny Wong
Student Representatives to the Centennial Committee
The Centennial Committee had student representation for this year-long event. The centennial recognizes the following students for their participation:
Iman Abdul
Antara Chowdhury
Nasrin Noor
Matthew Romano
Message from the Centennial Co-Chairs
We have been honored to serve as co-chairs to our School of Education’s Centennial Committee. In the planning for this momentous year, committee members worked to design events and projects that sought to unpack our school’s long history, appraise current educational trends, and envision future possibilities in the field of teacher education, community partnerships, and school leadership. While the work was daunting, the rewards were far-reaching.
Over 40 staff and faculty participated in this year-long planning process. Working on this project during the Covid pandemic, helped the Centennial Committee to focus on a joyous endeavor. In the process, we developed strong bonds of trust and solidarity as we engaged in new conversations and creative collaborations with one another. The Centennial inspired us to look anew at our School of Education community – past, present, and future.

Co-Chair, Centennial Committee
Executive Assistant to the Dean
Co-Chair, Centennial Committee
Associate Professor, Teaching & Learning
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Last Updated: 04/14/2022 16:05