Office of Clinical Practice

As a student in The City College of New York School of Education, you will work with the Office of Clinical Practice (OCP) in multiple ways.

  • Apply for and secure fieldwork and student teaching placements.
  • Confirm medical and security clearances.
  • Submit documentation for clinical practice hours toward certification.

The OCP is your support for:

  • Identifying placements for fieldwork and student teaching.
  • Keeping track of your documentation as you accrue fieldwork and student teaching hours.  (You need this for New York State Certification!)
  • Initiating your fingerprinting process.

Below you will find more detailed information about applications and documentation for both fieldwork and student teaching.

Communicate with Us

Teacher with students


For students pursuing initial certification, at least 100 clock hours of field experiences related to coursework are required before student teaching. Fieldwork includes observation and active instruction. Your placement must be aligned both with assignments and requirements of each course and your expected certification.

How to apply for fieldwork?

  • Complete this form at the very beginning of the semester to apply for a fieldwork placement for one class or multiple placements for several classes (Fieldwork Placement and Documentation Form).
  • Go to your doctor for a tuberculosis (TB)  test.  There is a form in the OCP for reporting TB results, or you can use your doctor-issued form. Test results must be provided each year.
  • All students must be fingerprinted if they have not completed the process already. See the Fingerprinting tab for more information. NYC Public Schools may refuse fieldwork participation in the absence of fingerprinting; in some schools a limit of 30 hours of fieldwork may be permitted.

Am I required to complete the form if I have identified my own placement?

Yes. Each semester, complete the form for each course requiring fieldwork. Completing this form supports documentation of your fieldwork hours.

How and when do I get placed?

The first step is to fill out a Fieldwork Placement and Documentation Form.
Complete the form in the beginning of the semester and then the OCP will coordinate your fieldwork placements with our partner schools. Placements toward the end of the semester are more difficult to secure.

If you have further questions please browse through our FAQs.

Student Teaching

City College SOE students pursuing initial certification require a college supervised student teaching or practicum experience of at least 70 school days, or its equivalent, in an educational setting, and in alignment with the daily schedule and annual calendar of that educational setting. The requirements differ when candidates pursue additional and advanced certifications.

How to apply for student teaching?

  • Student teaching is usually your final semester.
  • Student teaching application deadlines are posted each semester, April 15 for fall and November 15 for spring.
  • Student teaching requires program permission.
  • New York State Certification Exams are required.
  • The OCP responds to applications, once programs approve you, by finding you placements that align with your certification.
  • Detailed directions for the Student Teaching Application

If you have further questions please browse through our FAQs.


  • To begin the fingerprinting process, bring a form of state or government-issued identification (Driver License, state-issued-non-driver ID, passport) plus a Social Security card to the Office of Clinical Practice (NAC, 6/207A) during standard office hours. 
  • International students must contact José Osorio ( ), CCNY SOE certification officer, to request a TEACH Access Number (TAN).
  • Fingerprinting is required for fieldwork and student teaching. NYC Public Schools may refuse fieldwork participation in the absence of fingerprinting; in some schools a limit of 30 hours of fieldwork may be permitted.

Last Updated: 07/24/2024 14:55