MA Program Forms

Forms for Students on the Non-Thesis Track

Form to File for graduation

At the beginning of the semester in which students plan to graduate, they should submit this completed form to the Registrar's Office on or before the deadline for filing for graduation (See the academic calendar).

Certification of Completion of Field Paper Requirement

Students should ask professors for whom they have written and submitted field papers to complete this form.

Clearance Form/ Non-Thesis Track

Students should complete this form after nearly completing the required 30 credits of coursework and obtaining the certification of 2 field papers.

Forms for Students on the Thesis Track

Form to File for Graduation

At the beginning of the semester in which students plan to graduate, they should submit this completed form to the Registrar's Office on or before the deadline for filing (See the academic calendar).

Certification of Completion of Master's Thesis Requirement

Upon successful completion of the thesis, students should ask each thesis reader to sign this form and then deliver it to the M.A. adviser for signature. 

Clearance Form/ Thesis Track

Upon the successful completion of the thesis and of its certification, the student should then obtain and complete this form, have the M.A. adviser sign it, and submit it to the Dean's Office along with the Certification of Completion of the Master's Thesis.  An electric copy of the thesis must be uploaded to Academic Works.

Last Updated: 02/18/2021 16:03