Spring 2020 Syllabus Physics 32100


Modern Physics for Engineers

Physics 321

Spring 2020


Instructor Ngee-Pong Chang  nchang@ccny.cuny.edu

MR 311B        212-650-6884

 Schedule:       Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm 

Shephard Hall 5-203


Course description: Historical background, special relativity, elementary quantum theory, application to one-electron atoms, atomic shell structure and periodic table; nuclear physics and quantum technologies.


Textbook: Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Author: THORNTON/REX, Publisher: Cengage, Edition: 4, Year Published: 2012, ISBN: 978-1133103721   Click on link:


for access to e-book and homework assignment

Homework:     Assignment online        

WebAssign class key: ccny 2116 7735


Office Hours: TTh 11a –12p    Location: MR 311 B

Note: Since there are no perfect textbooks for Modern physics, I will be using material from other sources .




Grading Policy:

  • Homework: 10% 
  • Midterm exams (2): 40% (20% each)
  • Final exam: 50%



Statement of Academic Integrity: As stated in Appendix B.3 of the 2009-2011 City College Bulletin, p. 313: Academic Dishonesty is prohibited by the City University of New York and is punishable by penalties including failing grades and expulsion



1.Introduction to Modern Physics, Relativity ,Radiation ,Model of the atom.

2..Chapter 4 Quantization of light

3.Duality of wave particles 4.7.

4.Chapter 5 Quantization of atomic energy level.

6.Chapter 6 matter –waves.

7.The one dimensional Schrodinger equation.

8.Mid-term exam.

9.The three dimensional Schrodinger equation.

10.Electron spin .

11.Fermion and Bose statistics.

12.Radiation theory

13.Aplication of the Quantum Theeory






Last Updated: 01/21/2020 15:25