Syllabus Physics 31415 Spring 2021

Intro to Quantum Computation, Spring 2021
New York City College of Technology
Course: PHYS 31415, Introduction to Quantum Computation
Professor: Seth Cottrell,
Class: Zoom, TTh 4:00-5:40
Grading: 35% Homework, 30% Exams, 35% Qiskit Project
Office Hours: MW 2:00-3:00
I don't expect you to be good at math or to know any of the material, but I do expect
you to work hard and ask for help. You are expected to strive to understand the material
presented in this course, to do all of the work yourself, and to ask for help when you get
stuck. Never copy any material from any source at any time, and email me questions
whenever you're stuck or lost.
Seriously, email me all the time. You are not a burden, you are the point.
Cheating will be reported immediately and result in \... disciplinary sanctions, includ-
ing suspension, or expulsion." and a zero on the o ending assignment or exam.
Course Schedule:
Take this schedule with a grain of salt, as we'll adapt as we go along.
Date: Lecture:
T 2/2 #1 The Quantum State
Th 2/4 #2 Dirac Notation and Measurements
T 2/9 #3 Operators and Eigenstates
Th 2/11 #4 Composite Systems and Deutsch-Jozsa
T 2/16 #5 The Bloch Sphere and Universality
Th 2/18 #6 Density Matrices
T 2/23 #7 Classical Information
Th 2/25 #8 Entanglement
T 3/2 #9 Quantum Information I
Th 3/4 #10 Quantum Information II
T 3/9 #11 Bell's Theorem
Th 3/11 #12 Quantum Communication
T 3/16 #13 The Quantum Fourier Transform
Th 3/18 #14 The Grover Search Algorithm
T 3/23 IBM Qiskit and review
Th 3/25 Midterm Exam
T 4/6 #15 Shor's Algorithm
Th 4/8 #16 Generalized Quantum Measurements
T 4/13 #17 Quantum Noise
Th 4/15 #18 Quantum Error Correction
T 4/20 # 19 Quantum Networks
Th 4/22 # 20 Hard Limits
T 4/27 # 21 Coherence and the Quantum Eraser
Th 4/29 # 22 Observers
T 5/4 # 23 TBD
Th 5/6 # 24 TBD
T 5/11 # 25 TBD
Th 5/13 Final Review
Non-Essential Reference Materials:
\Elements of Information Theory", Cover and Thomas
\Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Information Processing", Berjou and Hillery
\Quantum Computation and Quantum Information", Nielsen and Chuang
Preskill Lecture Notes,

Last Updated: 01/27/2021 16:03