Campus Tribute Memo from President Boudreau

Dear Campus Community, 

I'm writing with a heavy heart to share the news that we've once more lost several cherished members of our community to this virus.  As a group, they represent years of service to our community--each in his own way dedicated to advancing our mission and building our institution. 

Daniel Padovano was the College's Associate Bursar and began his career with the CUNY Central Office in 2002. His level of expertise was such that he was often asked to help train staff on the intricacies of the various federal loans available to students on campuses across the system. He moved to City in 2012 and served on the Bursar's team working with a dedicated cohort of colleagues to support our students. Daniel is survived by his mother, Victoria and a community of friends and family throughout the city. 

Leonard Trugman was a former lecturer in the Colin Powell School who retired in 2018 after years of service.  Professor Trugman brought his considerable business experience into the classroom and taught hundreds of students in the economics department over the years. He knew both sides of a CCNY classroom, having himself studied and graduated from City College in his youth. Those who worked most closely with Len will remember him as someone who was eternally good-natured, light-hearted, and dedicated to the welfare and advancement of his students. 

Professor Ray Hoobler loved numbers, loved the way the analysis of mathematical patterns could bring order to what seemed at first to be chaotic phenomena. More than that, he relished the way that numbers and statistics can disrupt how we think about ourselves and our impact on others. Ray was a dedicated member of the Math Department and deeply, deeply vested in the CCNY mission of advancing educational opportunity, and via that advancement, pushing our society in evermore progressive and humane directions.  He retired from teaching several years ago, but never stopped thinking about CCNY.  He became a tireless advocate for the college, lobbying public officials to extend greater consideration and budgetary support to our students and the institution he so loved. He was also known, in his family home in Michigan, as a thoughtful and generous steward of the wild places near him, concerned, in his characteristic way, that our common natural heritage be shared broadly among his neighbors and preserved for the benefit of future generations.

We have lost so many people over these past months and in writing this I'm keenly aware that each of you are without doubt wrestling to understand other losses: the holes left by the departure of friends and neighbors and family.  I write to share this news, and tell these stories because in the midst of so much tragedy, we must from time to time pause and reflect, remember, and mourn the loss of people we've worked and laughed alongside.  In this pausing, let us also remain always mindful that every number marking the daily march of this pandemic represents a person who lived and loved and made an impact on this world.  So now and with sadness we mark the passing of our three good friends.


Vincent Boudreau Signature

Vince Boudreau

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