President's Holiday Party

Dear Friends,

It's Karaoke time! Some of you cheer. Some of you groan. But really, what better way can there be to mark the start of the holiday season than a gathering that highlights the talent (or the audacity) of your colleagues? And what holiday gift can be more sweet than the discovery of a hidden talent in someone who works down the hall from you? At any rate, by now it's a tradition, and like fruitcake or cranberry sauce, whether or not you like it is actually beside the point. Ah: tradition!

Seriously, I'm really happy to invite you all to the CCNY Holiday Karaoke party. Of course, it won't be all singing, all the time. There will be food and drink and the shared company of our community, and I hope you'll all make time to stop by and lend your voices or your ears.

We'll gather on Thursday, December 8th from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm. If you want to come in person we'll be meeting in Shepard Hall, Room 350. If you're more comfortable joining online, there will be a zoom option. Click this link for zoom details.

We ask those of you who plan to sing, to select your songs in advance by visiting: and when you do, select a non-vocal Karaoke version of your song.

For your pre-selected song choices, please fill out this google form. The deadline to sign up for song selection(s) is December 2 by 5pm.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you all, and listening to some of you!


Vincent Boudreau Signature

Vince Boudreau

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