President Boudreau’s Cabinet Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 23, 2023
10:00 am - Noon
Zoom Meeting
Facilitator: Dean Marta Gutman
Presenter: Dean Edwin Lamboy
- Doris Cintron, Senior Associate Provost
- Alex Couzis, Dean, Grove School of Engineering
- Carmen Green, Dean, CUNY School of Medicine
- Marta Gutman, Dean, Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
- Ken Ihrer, Vice President of Operations and Coronavirus Coordinator
- David Jeruzalmi, Chairman, The Faculty Senate
- Felix Lam, Vice President, Finance and Administration
- Edwin Lamboy, Dean, School of Education
- ony Liss, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Celia Lloyd, Vice President, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
- Juan Carlos Mercado, Dean of Interdisciplinary Studies at CWE & Professional Continuing Studies
- Renata Miller, Interim Dean, Division of Humanities and the Arts
- Dee Dee Mozeleski, Senior Advisor to the President and VP & Executive Director, Office of Institutional Advancement, Communications and External Relations and The Foundation for City College
- Paul Occhiogrosso, Executive Counsel to the President
- Susan Perkins, Dean, Division of Science
- Andrew Rich, Dean, The Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership 17. Ruth Stark, Chairperson, Faculty Senate Committee on Personnel Matters
- Mary Ruth Strzeszewski, Associate Provost and Chair, CCNY Graduate Constituent Council
- Vanessa Valdes, Associate Provost for Community Engagement
- Rose Marie Wesson, Associate Provost for Research
- Teresa Flemming, Executive Associate to the President
Reporting on Tasks:
- All deans are to send a list of the introductory classes which have been flagged to Nikisha Williams.
- Vice President Lloyd will share the Navigate training video at the February 6 Cabinet meeting.
- Deans are to select classes in their departments that can be made asynchronous and present them at the February 6th Cabinet Meeting.
- Everyone to share their idea of what a first-year class should look like with Executive Associate Teresa Flemming before the next Cabinet meeting.
Dean Marta Gutman as the facilitator opened the meeting at 10:00 am and called for a review of the minutes from the January 9 Cabinet meeting. Once reviews were complete, she asked President Boudreau to share his announcements.
1) President’s Announcements
a. The Security Preparedness Presentation with Executive Director of Public Safety Pat Morena and his team will take place at the February 6th Cabinet meeting.
b. The option to opt out of code 42 (the ability to not back up your computer files) will be removed from all managing staff’s computers to prevent the loss of information. In collaboration with the IT department, the systems of everyone managing any programs or people will be backed up effective immediately.
c. The initial search for a new Chief Diversity Officer was unsuccessful, therefore a new search has begun in hopes of filling the position soon.
d. The Langston Hughes festival will take place on Thursday, February 9, and everyone is invited to attend.
e. Dr. Rishi Raj passed away after a long battle with cancer. A formal announcement will be sent to the campus in the coming days. He deeply loved and supported the CCNY campus, and will be dearly missed.
2) Check in/status reports needed
Navigate: Department Chairs Success Markers
Dean Andrew Rich of the Colin Powell School (CPS) explained that his department chairs focused on high DFW rates of courses within and outside of the division that CPS students take. They are interested in how the Navigate flags can assist them going forward.
President Boudreau went into further detail on the goal of Navigate to identify markers in students’ education that could lead to lower graduation rates. The statistics from Navigate will help chairs identify students who have missed a few success markers, bring them to the attention of their professors in the form of progress reports, and devise strategies to further assist them.
Dean Marta Gutman of the School of Architecture shared her conversation with her department chairs as well. The courses that students seem to be struggling with are those that have math or architecture as requirements. She shared all of the course information with Vice President Lloyd and Dominic Stellini of Student Affairs.
Dean Susan Perkins shared that there is more detail in success markers than a course as a whole, and encouraged that everyone look into key assignments and exams, as early as possible.
Provost Tony Liss requested that all deans send a list of the introductory classes which have been flagged to Nikisha Williams, the Executive Director of Institutional Research, so she can assess the data and look into student graduation rates based on that information. He noted that attention should also be given to middle level classes where students may not be performing as well as they usually would.
Deliverable: All deans are to send a list of the introductory classes which have been flagged to Nikisha Williams.
Navigate: Status report on onboarding/training faculty and staff
Carlito Berlus and Dominic Stellini of Student Affairs are currently working on the Navigate training video for faculty to use. This video will be shared with Cabinet members at the February 6th meeting for review, before the training video is rolled out to faculty.
Deliverable: Vice President Lloyd will share the Navigate training video at the February 6 Cabinet meeting.
Teaching Modalities
Associate Provost Strzeszewski shared a preliminary list of Pathways Courses. President Boudreau suggested that the asynchronous class format be broken up into two 50 minute pre-recorded online classes and one discussion section. Provost Liss expressed concern that the courses with high adjunct costs, such as architecture and engineering, are not necessarily high enrollment courses. He stressed the importance of making the faculty aware in the coming days of the financial situation of the college and the decisions that are being made by administration.
It was suggested that US Society and a few other introductory level classes be used in the pilot stage of this plan. The goal is to include the asynchronous learning structure into the Fall 2023 budget. President Boudreau asked that the deans review the Pathways Course sheet they received, and select classes that will work for this model before the following Cabinet meeting.
Deliverable: Deans are to select classes in their departments that can be made asynchronous and present them at the February 6th Cabinet Meeting.
3) Revenue Mapping
Analysis of our academic programs; graduate and undergraduate for return on investment.
Provost Liss discussed the revenue model that was developed by himself and Associate Provost Strzeszewski, and the progress that has been made from the charge of the previous Cabinet requiring deans to evaluate their departments using it. Dean Perkins discussed her analysis of the science graduate programs based on this model.
Workforce Development and ACE: Projected Income/Expenses, Revenue Goals, FY23 (remaining), FY24, FY25.
President Boudreau and Dean Mercado spoke on the status of the Workforce Development programs at the college. They shared good news about receiving grant funds for the RISE Wind Power project and the Rangel Workforce Development Program. Dean Mercado also went into further detail on new programs that are in development, and will be rolled out once all the necessary resources have been acquired. There are new classes being prepared in collaboration with the Colin Powell School and the School of Engineering, and internship opportunities for students in the health sector. The CWE is in the process of hiring an Assistant Director of Continued Education.
Financial: Supporting Collections (Bursar Holds, SCH Indicators, etc)
Vice President Felix Lam discussed debt relief programs that had been put into place by the college in the past, and regulations placed on them that have played a role in student dropout rates. He has formulated a system of academic holds in collaboration with the Provost’s office that will help with student debt collection. President Boudreau suggested that there should be a financial literacy program included in introductory courses to students. Dean Rich and Interim Dean Miller added on to the conversation by suggesting a distinction between learning to manage personal finances and learning to finance one’s education, which should be included in the admissions package.
Deliverable: Everyone to share their idea of what a first-year class should look like with Executive Associate Teresa Flemming before the next Cabinet meeting.
4) First-Year Course
Moving Students from Undeclared to Majors
It was decided that this agenda item would be discussed in greater detail during the next Cabinet meeting.
5) "Stony Brook Model"/Career Services, Engaged Scholarship, Internship Management
Link to the Stony Brook Model page:…;
President Boudreau discussed plans that are currently in the works to adopt an experiential learning model from Stony Brook University which, in the case of City College, will include programs such as career planning, undergraduate research, and service. The goal is to inaugurate this space within the same timeline as the One-Stop inauguration. The name will have to change to be adapted to City College.
6) Agenda development for next meeting
- a. Emergency Preparedness Presentation with Pat Morena and Public safety
- b. First-Year Courses
- i. What a first year experience should look like
- ii. Examining CUNY colleagues strategies
- c. Moving students from Undeclared to Declared majors
- d. Update on Navigate Training Course - Celia Lloyd
- e. “Stony Brook Model”
The facilitator of the February 6 Cabinet meeting will be Dean Edwin Lamboy and Dean Juan Carlos Mercado will present on the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at CWE.
7) Office introductions: Dean Lamboy presents the School of Education.
Dean Edwin Lamboy gave a presentation on the School of Education. He invited everyone to look peruse the Centennial anniversary publication from two years ago that he shared, as well as participate in the activities coming up in March to celebrate the school’s 102 years. The school is in the process of hiring adjuncts to perform field observations and practical experiences.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 pm.
Cabinet Meeting Monday, February 6, 2023
10:00 am - Noon
Facilitator: Dean Edwin Lamboy
Presenter: Dean Juan Carlos Mercado
1. Emergency Preparedness Presentation by Lieutenants Crinnion and Laparuta 2. First Year Courses
a. What a first year experience should look like
b. Examining CUNY colleagues strategies
3. Moving students from Undeclared to Declared majors
4. Update on Navigate Training Course - Celia Lloyd
5. “Stony Brook Model”
Last Updated: 03/23/2023 21:40