Steps to Finding an Internship


Before you start your internship search be sure you have a good resume. You can submit your resume to be critiqued.  Click HERE to submit your resume.


You must approach an internship from many different directions

  • Looking for internships online
  • The Un-Tapped Internship Market
  • Participating in CPDI Internship Program


When looking for opportunities online you want to be sure you are utilizing at least 7-8 different online resources as well as visiting the websites of companies where you are interested in an internship.  You must actively seek out and apply to the internship opportunities.  Here are a few sites we recommend for students and their search


Did you know that 75% of the internship opportunities available are not advertised.  So it is important to tap into those opportunities.  Below is a process that you can use to tap into those opportunities.

1.     Identify the employers in your field and in your area

·      To do the this visit the website Superpages .  Click on "Advanced Search".  Type in your career field (ex. Accounting) in the Key Word Search field.  Check the "Search by Distance Box" and pick your miles then enter your zip code.  Click "Search

·      You will now have a list of employers in your field.  You will see that Superpages even categorizes some of the information.  You will have access to their phone numbers and in some cases their websites

2.     Now, all you have to do is place a call to the organization.  You will ask for the Human Resources Department and say, "I am a student at City College of New York majoring in ???  I am looking for an internship. Does your organization offer internships to college students?

3.     When you get a positive response you want to get their contact information and email them your resume and cover letter immediately.  You will normally get a positive response 2 out of every 10 employers so if you identify a list of 30 employer you will normally have 6 that are interested.

The ADVANTAGE of seeking out the opportunity is you are not competing with anyone.  If they have the opportunity, they probably have not been active in recruiting for it,  as opposed to applying online where you are competing with students from all over.

PLEASE NOTE:  With any internship opportunity, please have discussion with the employer as to what you will be doing. You want to make sure it relates to your field.


Do you feel your resume goes into an Internet black hole whenever you submit it online to an employer?  When you become a part of the CDPI Internship Program, we refer you directly to our employer contacts in effort to get you the exact opportunity you want for you career path.  Click HERE for more information.

Last Updated: 06/14/2023 10:43