
Dear Members of the City College Community, I am so sad to bring you the news that Professor Rishi Raj passed away this week, following a protracted illness against which he struggled mightily. He was at home, surrounded by his family and that, his daughter Rashmi reports, was a great comfort to them all. She was also particular to share the news that Rishi was tremendously proud to have finished off this past semester with his students; seeing it through to completion became one of his most fixed goals as his health declined, and that drive is emblematic of his dedication to… Read More »

Dear Colleagues, It is with great sorrow and a heavy heart that I communicate the unfortunate passing of our dear friend and colleague Barry M. Gross, Professor of Electrical Engineering. Barry passed away on December 27, 2022 at Mount Sinai West Hospital surrounded by family and colleagues. Barry was a two-time alumnus of the Department of Electrical Engineering at CCNY, having earned his master's in 1988 and his PhD in 1992. He then returned to join the electrical engineering faculty in 1993. Throughout his tenure, he displayed an unwavering devotion to the College, his… Read More »

This memo serves as a reminder of the importance of the timely submission of timesheets.  Timesheets are required by the College and CUNY and are an important accounting tool for recording the hours employees work.  Timesheets also allow for effective and accurate tracking of employees’ time and leave balances.  It is the responsibility of the Office of Human Resources Time and Leave Unit to ensure the College is in compliance with CUNY’s requirement that complete and accurate timesheets are on file for all employees. Accordingly, all staff who submit timesheets… Read More »

Dear Friends, It's Karaoke time! Some of you cheer. Some of you groan. But really, what better way can there be to mark the start of the holiday season than a gathering that highlights the talent (or the audacity) of your colleagues? And what holiday gift can be more sweet than the discovery of a hidden talent in someone who works down the hall from you? At any rate, by now it's a tradition, and like fruitcake or cranberry sauce, whether or not you like it is actually beside the point. Ah: tradition! Seriously, I'm really happy to invite you all to the CCNY Holiday Karaoke… Read More »

Dear CCNY Community, Faith is a common thread among people of all backgrounds, and here at CCNY, we want people from all faiths to feel welcome on campus. Recognizing the need to provide a place where the campus community can pray, meditate, or reflect, the college has identified a Multi-faith, Meditation Prayer Space for students, staff, and faculty members to use on campus. The room is a neutral space designed to provide the opportunity to practice faith and spirituality freely and comfortably. The space will be used for prayer and meditation and quiet reflection. The… Read More »

Dear Members of the Campus Community, I've expressed, in other campus outreaches, my great pleasure in being able to participate in the resumption of our on-campus life. Following months of social isolation, the repopulation of our buildings and grounds by students, faculty and staff is an undiluted joy, and I hope you share with me that pleasure.  But our reunion is not without difficulties. We now meet one another in a moment of substantially rising social anxiety, without the assistance of practiced and smooth social interaction. Some of the anxiety lies rooted in the… Read More »

CUNY will provide up to 3 hours of paid leave for the purpose of voting in most local or federal elections, to employees who are registered to vote. This leave can be taken at the beginning or the end of the work day.  Employees who need time off to vote must notify their supervisor at least two (2) working days prior to the Election Day. Employees requesting leave under this policy should comply with the following requirements: Notify your supervisor at least two (2) working days prior to the Election Day. Coordinate the time off with your supervisor (i.e., arrive up… Read More »

Dear City College Community, Last week, we announced that Peter Baptiste was leaving CCNY.  Today, I’m pleased to spread the word that Euda Gary has joined the team in my office, taking on many of the responsibilities that had formerly fallen to Peter. Euda will be working to keep my schedule and also to manage reception activity.  You will begin seeing her email on cc lines starting today–it’s .  Please copy her in on messages sent to my office.  I know you’ll join me in making her welcome on our campus.    Sincerely… Read More »

To the City College Community, I’m pleased to announce the third annual “Community Read” project at CCNY. Our project is an effort to pull the entire CCNY community, including our partner organizations throughout Harlem, together around an effort to read, and discuss, a work that carries particular significance to our campus, especially in these difficult times. Conceived initially as a way to welcome new students to the college by engaging them in a joint exploration of a text, we are happy to include anyone on campus who would like to join. Once again, the selection committee… Read More »

Dear Members of the City College Community, I'm thrilled to be able to welcome our community back to the campus and excited every day to see all of you filtering through our gates and into our buildings, and down our hallways. It's been a long and difficult journey back to where we are now, and while we can't claim to have put the pandemic entirely in the rearview mirror, we now have better tools to cope with what it may still have in store for us. Managing the campus over these past years has always been a balancing act, and I've tried to think of it that way. On the one hand… Read More »

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Last Updated: 09/04/2019 22:05