Archives Mission
The mission of the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Archives is to identify, appraise, accession, process, preserve and provide access to archival materials that document the experience and contributions of the Dominican population in the United States. The Archives supplements and complements the efforts of the Institute’s library and research programs, greatly enriching the supply of primary source materials that it makes available to scholars, students and faculty in the area of Dominican studies.
Archives History
The Dominican Archives was established in 2002 as a repository of original source materials that document the experience and contributions of the Dominican population in the United States. Initial funding for the establishment of the Dominican Archives was provided by the New York State Archives Documentary Heritage Program (DHP). The DHP grant made it possible for the Institute to hire renowned archivist Idilio Gracia Peña as an archives consultant to prepare a feasibility study and action plan to establish the archives; conduct a survey of Dominican organizations and civic leaders to uncover extant archival materials generated by the New York Dominican population; and to accession, preserve and make available such materials. Mr. Gracia Peña, a professional archivist with over 50 years of experience in archives, library and records management, was subsequently appointed Chief Archivist of the Dominican Archives. In 2007, the Dominican Studies Institute was awarded the Debra E. Bernhardt Annual Archives Award, for Excellence in Documenting New York’s History, by the Board of Regents and The New York State Archives.

New York City Council Funding
November 2004 marks perhaps the most important milestone in the history of the Archives and of the Dominican Studies Institute with the receipt of a $1.407 million dollar capital funding allocation from the New York City Council for the construction of a new repository to house the archives and library collections. In addition to the City Council funding, the City College of New York provided 2,950 square feet of prime space for the construction of joint storage, processing, preservation, service and administration of the archives and the library programs.
The Dominican Archives' hours of operation are the same as for the Dominican Library. Click here.
CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Archives
The City College of New York
160 Convent Avenue, Room NA 2/202
New York, NY 10031
T: 212.650.8865
F: 212.650.7225
Last Updated: 07/01/2020 15:08