Up From the Margins: Diversity as Challenge to the Democratic Nation/Desde La Orilla: La Diversidad Como Reto de la Nación Democrática

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Up From the Margins: Diversity as Challenge to the Democratic Nation/Desde La Orilla: La Diversidad Como Reto de la Nacion Democratica

Up From the Margins: Diversity as Challenge to the Democratic Nation/Desde La Orilla: La Diversidad Como Reto de la Nacion Democratica. Coordinated by the CUNY Dominincan Studies Institute with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation and INTEC. English and Spanish. June 22-23, 2001 (The City College of New York) and June 29-30 (Hotel Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo). VHS 42

This is a two-part multidisciplinary, international symposium on the role of homogeneity in standard definitions of Dominicanness and the place of diversity in the social agendas proclaimed by the global society.

Interview with Silvio Torres-Saillant (CUNY Dominican Studies Institute), Tomás Ybarra Frausto (Rockefeller Foundation) and Rafael Toribio (INTEC). Tema de la identidad. Programa Uno mas Uno. Santo Domingo. June 28, 2001. Spanish. Color; 37 minutes. VHS 43.

An interview with the sponsors and coordinators of "Up from the Margins: Diversity as Challenge to the Democratic Nation," one of the panels of a multidisciplinary, international symposium on the role of homogeneity in standard definitions of Dominicanness and the place of diversity in the social agendas proclaimed by the global society.

Panels in New York
Friday, June 22

I. Migration, Ethnicity and Changing Identities. New York. English and Spanish.  Two Audio Tapes; 180 minutes.

The experiences of cocolos, Arabs, and Japanese in the Dominican Republic, among other topics, are discussed. Features Norberto James Rawlings (Boston Latin School), Lisa Boerson (University of Amsterdam), Orlando Inoa (UASD), Gina Gallardo (Secretaría de Estado de la Mujer), Mu-Kien Adriana Sang (PUCMM).

II. Words, Images, and Sounds of Differences. Santo Domingo. Spanish. Audio Tape; 90 minutes.

Silvestrina Rodríguez from the University of the Sacred Heart shows pictures of the life of Dominican women in the Dominican Republic. Boni Raposo and La 21 División performs Afro-Dominican music. Moderated by Silvio Torres-Saillant (CUNY Dominican Studies Institute).

III. The University, Policy Making and Diversity. New York. Spanish. Audio Tape; 90 minutes.

The issue of diversity is analyzed by elected officials and academic scholars. Featuring Ramona Hernández (University of Massachusetts-Boston), Jay Hershenson (City Universitiy of New York), Adriano Espaillat (New York State Assembly), Rafael Toribio (INTEC) and Frank Moya Pons (Dominican Minister of the Environment).

Saturday, June 23

I. Sex, Gender, and Politics. New York. Spanish. Audio Tape; 90 minutes.

Issues of gender, sexuality, and the role of the Catholic church in the Dominican Republic. Featuring Ramonina Brea (PUCMM), Isis Duarte (Participación Ciudadana), Denise Paiewonski (INTEC), Sara Perez (journalist), and Dulce Reyes (New York Immigration).

II. Culture, Ideology, and Everyday Life. New York. English and Spanish. Audio Tape; 116 minutes.

The role culture plays in our daily life. Featuring Gerald Murray (University of Florida), Diógenes Céspedes (El Siglo newspaper), José Ernesto Oviedo (Partido de los Trabajadores Dominicanos), and Dagoberto Tejeda Ortiz (Instituto Dominicano de Folklor).

III. Diverse Society, Homogenous Nation. New York. English. Audio Tape; 90 minutes.

Featuring Roberto Cassá (Autonomous University of Santo Domingo - UASD), Jorge Duany (University of Puerto Rico), and Yolanda Martínez San Miguel (Rutgers University).

Panels in Santo Domingo
Friday, June 29

I. Afirmación de la Diferencia y Reclamo Ciudadano. Santo Domingo. Spanish. Color; 116 minutes.

Rethinking the diasporas. A discussion of the different ethnic groups in the United States. Featuring Felix Matos Rodríguez (Center for Puerto Rican Studies, CUNY), Michel Laguerre (University of California), Gilberto Cárdenas, and Allert Brown-Allert (Inter-University Program for Latino Research, University of Notre Dame), and James De Jongh (Institute for the Research of African Diaspora in the Caribbean).

II. Palabras, Ritmos y Diferencias.  Santo Domingo. English and Spanish. Color; 120 minutes.

Issues of race and identity represented in literature, theater, and the academia. Featuring Ramona Hernandez (University of Massachusetts-Boston), Blas Jimenez (UNESCO), and Josefina Baez (Latinarte/Ay Ombe).

III. Educación, Política Pública y Diversidad. Santo Domingo. Spanish. Color; 120 minutes.

Issues of education, public policy and diversity. Featuring Virtudes Uribe (La Trinitaria Bookstore/Publisher), Frank Moya Pons (Minister of Environment), Tomás Ybarra Frausto (Rockefeller Foundation), and Milagros Ortiz Bosch (DR Vice President and Secretary of Education).

Saturday, June 30

I. Migración y los Ejes Cambiantes de la Indentidad. Santo Domingo. English and Spanish. Color; 99 minutes.

Issues of identity, race, migration, and education. Featuring Ginetta Candelario (Smith College), Nancy López (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque), Anthony Stevens-Acevedo (Gregorio Luperón Preparatory School), Bernarda I. Jiménez (Dominican women's group in Spain - VOMADE), and Manuel Cordero (Asociación Domínico-Boricua, University Sagrado Corazón).

II. El Discurso de la Homogeneidad y la Desigualdad Social. Santo Domingo. Spanish. Color; 95 minutes.

Issues of human rights of prisoners, Dominicans of Haitian descent, as well as gays and lesbians. Featuring Franklin Franco Pichardo (UASD), Domingo Moreno (UNIBE), Luis Barrios (John Jay College), Marcos Villamán (INTEC), and Yuderkis Espinosa (Gaylesdom).

III. Género, Raza y Construcción Política de La Nación. Santo Domingo. Spanish. Color; 120 minutes.

Issues of race, gender, human rights, and identity. Featuring Daisy Cocco de Filippis (York College), Solange Pierre (Movement of Haitian-Dominican Women -MUDHA), Jacqueline Jiménez Polanco (John Jay College), Elka Scheker Mendoza (FLACSO), and Belkis Necos (Dominican Studies Institute).

IV. Palabras de Clausura. Santo Domingo. English and Spanish. Color; 45 minutes.

The closing of "Up from the Margins: Diversity as Challenge to the Democratic Nation," the multidisciplinary, international symposium on the role of homogeneity in standard definitions of Dominicanness and the place of diversity in the social agendas proclaimed by the global society.


Last Updated: 09/27/2017 17:15