Humanities & Arts Workshops

New this semester!

MBTI personality Type Indicator Workshop

This free one-on-one workshop will be offered to students during the spring semester.

Do you feel lost about what to do after graduation with your career or confused about what career may suit your personality? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) workshop can help! From the MBTI website: “The MBTI assessment can help individuals understand how their personality preferences relate to their chosen career, how development as an individual may inform career development, and how best to apply one's natural gifts to career choices.”

Meet with Melissa Oden, Director of Undergraduate Advising for the Humanities and Arts division and a certified MBTI practitioner, for a two-part workshop. The first part will be a 30-minute individual session about getting into the mindset to take the assessment. You then take the assessment at a time of your choosing. The second part is an individual hour session to go over the results of your assessment and strategize about your goals and actions that can be taken.

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College Life Workshops

In this interactive College Life workshop series, students will explore many of the tools CCNY has to offer. Discover campus resources, learn tips from professionals, and take charge of your college experience. The College Life Workshop Series is an open, engaging, informal space to navigate life as a college student together. Everyone is welcome!


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Academic Empowerment Workshops

The Academic Empowerment Workshops program aims to support students by providing access to resources and workshops that will provide the tools needed to overcome challenges as a college student. The workshops are open to all students, though students on Academic Probation are required to attend at least one session.


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College Life Workshop Descriptions

Is this your first time in college? Are you struggling academically or professionally? Do you need some help getting back on track?

First Generation College Student Workshop

First-generation college students experience a variety of challenges as they enter and move through higher education. In fact, much of the existing research indicates that students whose parents did not attend college are more likely than their non-first-generation counterparts to be less academically prepared for college, to have less knowledge of how to apply for college and for financial assistance, and to have more difficulty in acclimating themselves to college once they enroll. This workshop provides practical steps first-generation college students can take to be successful in college. Students will also be provided with tips on what they can do to be prepared for life after college, whether they choose to go straight employment or to continue their education.

Improving Your College Experience Workshop

Are you looking for better study strategies? Could you benefit from tips to improve your test-taking skills? Do you need to step up your time management game? Or are you just wondering how to get the most out of your college experience? Join us for our Improving your College Experience Workshop to ensure you not only obtain a degree to hang on your wall but a life-long experience by networking, learning about the resources available to you on campus and how you can make a difference in your communities while in college.

Mapping Your Career/Academic Path at City College Seminar

If you’re ready to figure out your next career move, this workshop will help you map out potential paths that fit your strengths and analyze those options strategically to identify future work that will be most meaningful to you. This workshop will give you access to tools, exercises, and resources so you walk away with a clearer map of where you want to go next. 

Financial Literacy Seminar

Outside of courses, finances are one of the biggest stressors college students have. In this workshop, we will focus on the different areas of finance (personal finance, credit scores, student loans, and credit cards), strategies to start to manage your money, and finish out with resources to support your financial health moving forward. 

Stress Management for Finals

Stress is a natural and inevitable part of life. However, if you don’t know how to manage it, chronic stress can take a toll on your health and mental well-being. In this workshop, you will learn how to identify the internal and external symptoms of stress, and deal with its causes. You will get an overview of different techniques you can use to manage stressors at home and in college and develop an individualized action plan which you can apply to your everyday life.

Jobs vs. Careers Seminar

A career refers to a string of work performed over the long term, whereas a job is for short term. One may take up a job to fulfill his daily needs, but it may not be the course of action one wants for a life. During this seminar, you will be provided with tips and resources to gain employment while preparing for a long-term career.

Life After City College Focus Group

Students often ask us, "What can I do with this major/minor?" or "What am I qualified to do once I graduate from college?" — have you ever wondered? How can you market your degree? What kinds of jobs are available? What about graduate or professional school? This will be a useful experience, regardless of your academic year at City College as we will be providing you with tips and resources to help you succeed after graduation. 

Academic Empowerment Workshop Descriptions

The Division of Humanities and the Arts is committed to supporting and empowering students who struggle to maintain satisfactory academic standards. We understand most students experience some form of academic difficulty during their college career. While some students may simply struggle through a class or two or through a single term, many are placed on academic probation because they consistently struggle. When placed on academic probation, student’s GPA is below the academic standard of 2.0 and they risk academic dismissal and/or losing their financial aid. Our division believes academic probation is not an indicator of failure but rather a sign that extra support is needed.

Growth Mindset

This workshop will focus on how to use challenges as an opportunity to develop abilities such as grit, perseverance, and tenacity. Those with a growth mindset see opportunities instead of obstacles, choosing to challenge themselves to learn more rather than sticking in their comfort zone. The workshop will also explore the fixed mindset and other mindset theories to help students identify their weaknesses and ultimately be motivated to become lifelong learners.

Connecting with your Professors

This workshop will help students gain the confidence to develop strong relationships with their professors. Whether it is asking about their grades, or requesting additional help with assignments, students will learn the importance of sending professional emails, using office hours and networking with their professors to build strong healthy relationships with the people who educate them.

Time Management

The workshop will review the academic standards needed for receiving financial aid. It will explore topics such as academic probation and SAP and work to help students make strong academic choices to continuously receive financial aid if eligible.

Financial Aid Literacy

This workshop will help you reflect on how you prioritize, learn task-management and motivation strategies, and understand the importance of self-care and allowing yourself breaks.

Office of Academic Advising

Division of Humanities and the Arts

North Academic Center, Room 5/225

160 Convent Avenue

New York NY 10031

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“One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world.”
Malala Yousafzai

“The function of art is to do more than tell it like it is—it’s to imagine what is possible.”
bell hooks

“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”
Audre Lorde

Last Updated: 01/30/2024 15:44