Doctoral students hanging out in a park

Doctoral Student News, Groups, & Dissertation Awards

2nd-year student Najé James and Professor Deidre M. Anglin co-author Study protocol for a multi-level cross-sectional study on the equitable reach and implementation of coordinated specialty care for early psychosis, presenting a novel integrative multi-level database of more than 346 coordinated specialty care programs for early psychosis that links provider-, program-, and neighborhood-level characteristics. 

5th-year student Curtis Bogetti and Professor Eric Fertuck publish a chapter titled Borderline Personality Disorder in the edited volume, Primer on Personality Disorders (2022), providing an overview of BPD, including: historical antecedents, dimensional conceptualizations, co-occurring conditions, developmental risk factors, and a framework for assessment and treatment.

Leecey Cameron David Ertel Award for Best Child Clinician Exploring Racial Identity in Multiracial Individuals This mixed-methods study examines factors that influence the racial-ethnic identity development of multiracial people by exploring the experiences of multiracial adults and identifying factors that contribute to the overall wellbeing of this growing population. Leecey is a pre-doctoral intern in Clinical Psychology at Montefiore Medical Center / Albert Einstein School of Medicine in th
2023-2024 Kenneth Clark Social Justice Award Brian Neff Brian’s national, longitudinal study investigates the unique psychotherapy dynamics between patient and therapist when both identify as LGBTQ+, and specifically examines the impact of therapist self-disclosure on treatment outcome and minority stress processes. Available online at 
In Fall 2024, Brian will be starting a postdoctoral fellowship at Bryant West Psychology in midtown. 
Paul LaFreniere won the 2023-2024 Vera Pastor Award for Program Citizenship Making Sense of the Space Between: a Qualitative Study of Therapists’ Experience and Use of Therapeutic Enactments, Paul is a postdoctoral fellow at Therapists at New York

Student Awards 2022-2023

Karen Tocatly, 2022-2023 Barmack Award for Best Quantitative Dissertation. Her dissertation is titled "Characterizing the Language of Therapist Interventions in Response to High Patient Arousal" and utilizes various language measures, including computerized measures of the Referential Process, in order to characterize therapists’ language in response to patients’ high Arousal (i.e., their struggling search for words that describe how they’re feeling). Karen is a predoctoral intern at Jacobi Medical Center.
Ilana Sichel, 2022-2023 Kenneth Clark Social Justice Award for her qualitative dissertation, "“I Knew These Marvelous People”: Gay Men’s  Experiences of Long-Term HIV/AIDS Survival," examining experiences of grief and mourning among gay men who are long-term HIV/AIDS survivors diagnosed before the medical advances of the mid-1990s. I am currently a staff psychologist in the Child Outpatient Department at Cambridge Health Alliance and an Instructor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Med
Molly Rappaport, 2022-2023 I.H. Paul Award for Best Qualitative/Theoretical Dissertation for "Joint Laughter Between Patient and Therapist: Exploring the Function of these Moments and their Relationship to the Working Alliance in Short-term Psychotherapy. Dr. Rappaport’s dissertation explores moments of joint laughter between patient & therapist and their function within the working alliance in short-term psychotherapy. Dr. Rappaport is completing her post-doctoral training at the Greene Clinic.
Charlotte Gendron 2022-2023 David Ertel Award for Best Child Clinician. Charlotte’s mixed-methods dissertation defined play in adult psychotherapy and explored the relation between play moments, patient- and therapist-rated working alliance, and patient psychosocial dysfunction.

Student Awards 2021-2022

Shannique Richards, 2021-2022 Vera Pastor  Award for Program Citizenship. Her dissertation, "The Moderating Roles of Racial Discrimination and COVID-19 Stress on the Association Between College Students’ Cannabis Use and Psychosocial Functioning," examines the moderating role of racial discrimination and COVID-19 stress on college students cannabis use and psychosocial functioning. Dr. Richards is a postdoctoral fellow in Clinical Psychology in reproductive mental health at Northwell Health/Lenox.
Rachel Taylor 2021-2022 David Ertel Award for Best Child Clinician
Greg Gagnon, 2021-2022 Kenneth Clark Social Justice Award for his dissertation examining internalized homonegativity among LGB individuals using a longitudinal survey. Results suggest that interventions aimed at increasing child–paternal attachment security, exploration, and/or mentalization may be effective in reducing IH.  Gregory Gagnon is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He practices and supervises at Mount Sinai.
Doctoral Student Counsel (DSC)

The City College Doctoral Students Council, formed in 2016, serves students currently enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at City College. Its stated purpose is to: (a) provide a forum for discussion of matters pertaining to the welfare of students in the City College Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program; (b) provide a formal means of communication between students and faculty regarding issues that affect the student body; (c) contribute to the recognition and integration of graduate students at the City College Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program; (d) foster unity among graduate students at the City College Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program by sponsoring social activities and other events; (e) strive to continuously improve the standards of the academic experience of the City College Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program’s graduate students; and (f) coordinate student body meetings and monthly meetings with the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Leadership Team. The group is composed of representatives from each cohort, AEMI and Q&A, and meets monthly on Friday evenings. All students are welcome to attend these meetings. 


Association for Ethnic & Minority Students

AEMI (Association for Ethnic and Minority Issues) is a student-led organization for students in the Clinical Psychology doctoral program at the City University of New York that aims to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in our program and field. AEMI acts as a liaison between graduate students and faculty in order to prioritize anti-racism ideals while striving to dismantle supremacy culture. AEMI endeavors to create a safe and supportive network for students while facilitating antiracist change by amplifying BIPOC voices within the program. Its monthly meetings focus on addressing issues of oppression, privilege and power inherent in academic settings as well as discussing ideas for initiatives that diversify our curriculum and clinical training. AEMI examines the impact of race, ethnicity, and culture in our personal and professional lives—noted in our interactions within the academic community as well as our work as clinicians in a community outpatient mental health clinic. In addition, students involved with AEMI engage in the following activities: Host annual open houses for prospective applicants of color; collaborate with faculty towards maintaining a diverse student body by participating in the clinical program’s admissions process;  represent AEMI interests in discussions pertaining to program policy changes and implementation; invite clinicians and scholars whose work complements AEMI’s mission to speak at the program’s monthly colloquiums; outreach to CUNY campuses for minority student recruitment to the program; host social events for students in the program. All students in the doctoral program are encouraged to participate in AEMI. We have a listserv that we use to share relevant information and keep members apprised of AEMI meetings and events.

Queers and Allies (Q & A)

Queers and Allies (Q & A) is a group open to all students in the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology.  The mission of Q&A is to promote — within the program and beyond — recognition, dialogue, and action around issues of sexuality and gender regardless of how one self-identifies, with a focus on how those issues affect us as clinicians-in-training, those who come to our clinic, and the relationships that develop between all of us. Q&A is committed as well to the evolution of thinking about sexuality and gender within contemporary theory and clinical technique.

Last Updated: 08/08/2024 17:18