Support Us

The Program now relies primarily on alumni and philanthropic donations to provide financial aid to our students. We have enough funds each year to provide all first year students with in-state tuition but hope to raise sufficient additional donations each year so that advanced students, based on financial need, will be supported as well. Donations regarding student support are handled through the City College Fund, while general financial support for the Program's annual operating expenses are made through the 21st Century fund at the College. Please feel free to contact Steve Tuber regarding any questions you might have about contributions to the Program.

Steve Tuber, Ph.D., ABPP

Program Director & Director of Clinical Training
City College of New York
160 Convent Avenue New York, NY 10031
Phone: (212) 650-5672
Email: %6d" rel="nofollow">

Last Updated: 01/29/2024 10:53