Registration Instructions

If you are a continuing CCNY or CUNY BA student in good standing and with no outstanding bills or STOPS, you are eligible to register by web. Undergraduate students must have a GPA of 2.0 or above, and graduate students 3.0 or above.

If you are new to City College, you must register in person.

To use eSIMS online, you must have a CUNY Portal account.

You must use the CUNY portal to access:

  • eSIMS
  • Blackboard
  • DegreeWorks
  • E-Permit

In order to do this, you must activate and use your CCNY email address – the single most important means of communication to/from the College.

When, how long, and how often can I use the system? You may use the web registration system at any time on or after your scheduled appointment day and time, through the last day of registration.

  1. Complete the Registration Form. (get pdf version)
  2. See your advisor for approval of your course selections prior to registration (Undergraduate Advisors and Graduate Advisors).
  3. Log in to the CUNY Portal and click on the eSIMS link.
  4. Read the Welcome Message that appears on the screen for additional information related to registration.
  5. Select the Registration option to register for courses.
  6. Type in the code number(s) as listed on the registration form that has been signed by your advisor.
  7. After you have made all the entries click the SUBMIT button.
  8. If there are any problems with your registration, they will be listed on the registration page. (Scroll down this page to see Web Registration Problem Messages) If this happens, you must see your advisor on campus for assistance in completing your registration.
  9. You may view and print your schedule at any time. You may also view and print your unofficial bill and transcript.
  10. Review your bill when you have completed your initial registration transaction. Pay particular attention to your due date; the college will cancel your registration if your bill has not been validated by that date.
    • You may pay your bill on e-Sims. Click on "view your bill", "pay now" and continue to follow the instructions.
    • You may pay your bill at The Office of the Bursar.
    • Effective Fall 2011, students are no longer required to validate their zero bills. The Office of the Bursar will automatically validate zero bills. Confirmation will be sent to City College email addresses.

    Note: If you add, drop or make other changes to your initial registration, your due date does NOT change.

  11. When you have completed your registration, please remember to sign off.

Web Registration Problem Message

Course is closed There are no more seats available in the course or section you selected. You may ask the system to search for open sections.
Course is canceled The course you selected has been canceled by the college.
Time conflict You have attempted to register for courses that meet during overlapping time periods. You may choose one or the other, but not both.
Maximum limit exceeded You have exceeded the maximum number of credits for the semester. You must obtain permission from your advisor to register for credits in excess of this limit and register for those excess courses in person.
Course requires permission from the department Registration for this course may not be completed by web and must be done in the department.
The College has placed a STOP on your record The system will explain the type of STOP and direct you to the appropriate office to clear it; you will not be able to register until all STOPS on your record have been cleared. (For example, if you have an unpaid bill from a previous semester, you will be directed to the Bursar to pay it before you will be allowed to register.)

Registration for Continuing Students

  1. Make sure your financial aid is in order. If you have any questions about your financial aid, call (212) 650-5819 or visit the Financial Aid Office.
  2. Make sure there are no STOPS on your record that would delay your registration. If you have any STOPS you can verify them by going online to view your records at the "i" desk in the NAC lobby or in the Registrar's Office, A-102. Clear all STOPS prior to registration.
  3. Check the current Undergraduate or Graduate Bulletin (also available on the Web at ) for a complete description of College /CCNYBulletin policies, degree requirements and course descriptions. Click here to view academic policies that could affect your registration.
  4. See your advisor and get his/her signature on the Registration Form . Forms are also available at the “i” desk or the Registrar’s Office. Undergraduate Advisors (pdf) and Graduate Advisors (pdf)
  5. Register online: click here to view schedule of classes.
    If you are an undergraduate student with a GPA of 2.0 or above, or a graduate student with a GPA of 3.0 or above, you are eligible to register online. We urge you to take the advantage of online registration to help you get the classes you want.

    If you are registering for honors courses through the Honors Center, please come to the Center (NA 4/150) in person on or after your registration appointment.

    If your GPA is below 2.0, you must register in person during walk-in registration.
    Please note: Many departments offer co-op and independent study courses that are not listed in this schedule. You must register for these courses in person, during walk-in registration, with the permission of the Chairperson.
  6. Pay your bill by the date noted on the lower left-hand portion. Please note: you must pay your bill by the due date or your registration will be canceled.

Course Selection + Bill Payment = Registration

Last Updated: 07/03/2015 16:53