The Division of Science Student Council created a two part event this spring 2019 semester. First was a panel showcasing a stellar group of five panelists from each of the Division of Science disciplines. The individuals who participated were Adrianne Corseri from Biology, Abdoulaye Maiga from Math, Calvin Forde from Chemistry, Jake Reitman from Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, and Shirley Chan from Physics/Biology. Each
A major theme that was conveyed was one of curiosity. Students need to make sure they are researching a subject they like, which may mean making changes along the way, and not being afraid to ask questions.
This panel led into the second week event of our Research Opportunity Fair, which included several opportunities for students to join on campus. Those that attended the panel were well equipped to make connections at the fair.
The Division of Science Student Council is an organization that brings together leaders in the Science Division who collaborate on bi-annual events: an Opportunity Fair in the fall and a Research Opportunity Fair in the spring. The Council also works on improving at least 1 item for the science student body per year, focusing on the 5-point mission plan that was established in 2015, the year the council began. All levels of study and college involvement are welcome to participate, as the current council includes undergraduate and graduate students and staff. To learn more about the council or to join the council or collaborate, email
Last Updated: 04/01/2024 10:44