
Undergraduate Courses

Introductory Courses

10004: Human Biology

(Satisfies CUNY Pathways Life & Physical Sciences Requirement) A Biology course for non-science majors that emphasizes the function of the human body. Medical issues relating to personal and community health, as well as ethical issues will be discussed. Not open to Science majors. Students cannot receive credit for both Bio 10004 and Bio 10000. 2Lec, 2Lab hours every other week, 3cr. PreReq: none, but it is recommended that have successfully completed 24 credits. This will not count towards biology major requirements.

10100: Biological Foundations I

Introduction to biology, emphasizing primarily the cell and molecular levels of organization. Topics include characteristics of life, cellular organization and diversity, chemistry of life, bioenergetics, reproduction and early development, and major living groups. The course features in-depth study of selected topics that are foundational for upper level study. Students develop critical thinking and technical skills that are essential for mastering the content areas and being successful in upper level courses. These include: vocabulary skills, critical thinking, collaborative learning, microscopy, collection and handling of scientific data, and elements of scientific investigation. Required for Biology majors. Pre- or coreq.: Math 19000. 3 LECT., 3 LAB. HR./WK.; 4 CR.

10200 Biological foundations ||

Second semester of introductory biology, emphasizing organismic biology, evolution, and ecology. Topics include heredity, macro- and microevolution, structure and function of body systems, and ecology. The course features a survey of topics in lecture and in-depth study of selected topics in laboratories and workshops. Students develop critical thinking and technical skills that are essential for mastering the content areas and being successful in further study. These include: vocabulary skills, problem solving, collaborative learning,computer skills, experimental design, collection and analysis of scientific data, and preparing scientific reports. Laboratories make use of the Biology Department Vivarium enabling students to study living organisms. Required for Biology majors. Prereq.: a grade of C or better in Bio 10100 or an equivalent course or permission of the instructor. 3 LECT., 3 LAB. HR./WK.; 4 CR.

20600: Introduction to Genetics

A thorough introduction to the principles of genetics. Using a combined cell biological and Mendelian approach, the course covers DNA organization, chromosome structure, genes and alleles, and transmission of genetic information in normal and genetically compromised organisms. Required for Biology majors. Prereq.: Bio 10100 and 10200 or equivalent. 3 LECT., 1 REC. HR./WK.; 3 CR .

20700: Organismic Biology

Emphasizes the physiological adjustments organisms make to specific challenges in their environments. Bioenergetics, osmoregulation and transport are the areas of focus. Laboratories are investigational and intended to develop skills in experimental design, the use of technology in acquiring data, data analysis and presentation, and in scientific writing. The development of problem solving and thinking and analysis in biology is emphasized in all aspects of the course. Prereq.: Bio 10100 and 10200 or equivalent; pre- or coreq.: Chem 10301, Eng 21003, and Math 19500. (W) 2 LECT., 4 LAB. HR./ WK.; 4 CR.

22800: Ecology and Evolution

Introduction to the basic principles of ecology and evolutionary biology emphasizing quantitative approaches and hypothesis testing. Computer literacy is attained using spreadsheets and the Internet. Prereq. or coreq.: Bio 20600 and Math 20900. (W) 2 LECT., 4 LAB. HR./WK.; 4 CR.

22900: Cell and Molecular Biology

Fundamental concepts at the cellular and molecular level of living organisms, including structure, metabolism, genetic continuity, and response mechanisms. Prereq.: Bio 10200, Pre- or coreq.: Chem 26100; Bio 20600. 3 LECT., 3 LAB. HR./WK.

24700: Anatomy and Physiology I

Basic chemistry, the composition of body fluids, the structures and function of the cell, body tissue types, and the structure and function of the inegumentary, skeletal, muscular and circulatory systems. Lectures will be complemented by laboratory exercises using models and animal preparations. This will not count towards biology major requirements. Prereq,: Bio 10100, 3 LECT., 3 LAB. HR/WK.


24800: Anatomy and Physiology II

The structure and function of the urinary, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems. Lectures will be complemented by laboratory exercises using models and animal preparations. This will not count towards biology major requirements. Prereq,: Bio 24700, 3 LECT., 3 LAB. HR/WK.


24900: Microbiology for Healthcare Professionals

An introductory Microbiology course geared towards future healthcare professionals. Students will learn the fundamentals of the biology, diversity, and utility of microbial species. Roles of microbes in infectious diseases and aspects of immunity and antibiotic resistance will also be explored.This will not count towards biology major requirements. Prereq,: Bio 10100 or permission by department, 3 LECT., 3 LAB. HR/WK.

31100-32000: Selected Topics in Biology

Discussions, student seminars, literature survey, experimental study focusing attention on specific areas in biology. Course topics will be selected by instructor and announced early in the preceding semester. Prerequisites to be determined by instructor. HRS. AND CR. (TO A MAXIMUM OF 4 CR.) TO BE DETERMINED BY INSTRUCTOR.

32100: Physiological Processes

This course is designed to introduce fundamental concepts of physiology to biomedical engineering students. Areas covered include muscular function, cardiovascular system function, bioelectrical signals, capillary-level the enviroment and human impact on vertebrate life. Prereq,: Bio 10100 and Math 20103. 3hr./ wk,; 3cr. This will not count towards biology major requirements.

33000: Survey of the Vertebrates

Survey of the major features of the vertebrates, including brief modern classification of the major groups and summary review of their morphological features, evolutionary history, distribution, ecology, and social behavior. Specific additional characteristics such as mimicry, ectothermy-endothermy, cannibalism, migration, predation, defense and use of venom will be discussed. Special attention is given to conservation, destruction of the environment and human impact on vertebrate life. Prereq.: Bio 10200. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.

34500: Botany

Survey of the structure, physiology, diversity and ecology of photosynthetic plants and fungi. (W) Prereq.: Bio 10200 and Chem 10301. 2 LECT., 4 LAB. HR./WK.; 4 CR.

35400 Introduction to Neurobiology

Introduction to Neurobiology: Introduction to the physiology and organization of the nervous system, Topics include essentials of cellular and molecular neurobiology, electro-physiology, synaptic transmission, sensory and motor systems, development, neural basis of learning, memory, and cognition. Prereq: Bio20700 or Bio22900.(W) 3 LECT., hr/wk., 3 cr.

37500: Developmental Biology

An in-depth analysis of the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating development of animals and plants. Topics include: the production and storage of genetic information; sperm egg interactions; nuclear and cytoplasmic determinants; morphogenetic movements, inductive interactions and the development of primary organ rudiments; organogenesis; growth, differentiation and morphogenesis, mechanisms of aging, cancer, the immune system and regeneration; development of birth abnormalities; role of experimentation in the analysis of major developmental mechanisms in animals. (W) Prereq.: Bio 22900 or 22900. 3 LECT. HR./WK.; 3 CR.

37900: Developmental Neurobiology

An in-depth analysis of the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating development of animals and plants, Topics include: the production and storage of genetic information; sperm egg interactions; nuclear and cytoplasmic determinants; morphogenetic movements, inductive interactions and the development of primary organ rudiments; organogenesis; growth, differentiation and morphogenesis, mechanisms of aging, cancer, the immune system and regeneration; development of birth abnormalities; role of experimentation in the analysis of major developmental mechanisms in animals.(W) Prereq:Bio 229.;3cr. 

40100: Cardiovascular, Renal and Respiratory Physiology

This is in-depth exploration of the integrated functioning of the cardiovascular, renal and pulmonary systems. Emphasis is primarily on human dynamic, non-pathological responses to a range of conditions including exercise and extreme environments. Structural and physiological aspects are covered. Clinical case studies highlight the interdependence of the systems. This course is appropriate for students considering health-related careers or advanced study in biomedical science. Not open to students who have taken Bio 33300. (W) Prereq.: Bio 20700 or Bio 10800 or equilvalent, Bio 40000 or Bio 33200 or permission of instructor. 2 LECT., 4 HR./WK.; 4 CR.

40500: Development and Evolution

Principles of development as they relate to evolutionary changes in morphology of organisms. Discussion and analysis of classic papers in the literature. Prereq.: Bio 22800 or equivalent. 3 LECT., HR./WK.; 3 CR.

41000: Cell Development and Cellular Senescence

Current topics related to the molecular biology of cell development including cell death or apoptosis and cellular aging. A series of lectures which cover pertinent topics, such as oxidative stress, genetic and stochastic factors in aging. Students are required to present orally two primary journal articles and to write a final paper in which a review of the current literature and provision of experimental designs are required to answer a chosen question. Prereq.: Bio 22900. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.

42000: Virology

Introductory survey of diverse genera of animal viruses and bacteriophages and methods used in the classification, detection, and quantification of viruses. The course emphasizes an understanding of the mechanisms of DNA/RNA replication, expression and macromolecular assembly into functional, infectious units (virions) in different viruses. Selected examples are presented in detail, including oncogenic RNA/DNA viruses and HIV/AIDS. Prereq.: Bio 22900, or permission of instructor. 3 LECT. HR./WK.; 3 CR.


42500: Cancer Biology

Introduction to the fundamental principles of the cellular and molecular biology underlying cancer. Lectures will include principles of cell division and growth, and role of growth factors, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and angiogenesis on the development of cancer. Discussions will include cancer epidemiology, health disparities, cancer prevention, and cancer treatment. Prereq: Bio 22900. 3 LECT. HR./WK.; 3CR

44300: Insect Ecology

Introduction to the diversity and biology of major insect groups, focusing on the role of insects and other arthropods in natural ecosystems and their role in human affairs. Prereq/Co-req: Bio 22800. 3 LECT., 3 LAB HR./WK.; 4 CR.

45000 Symbiosis

Symbiosis is a major phenomenon for all levels of living organisms and has been a major phenomenon in evolution and the adaption of various groups. The course aims to explain scientific methodology and approaches used in scientific inquiry on symbiotic interactions. Pre/Coreq: Bio 22900. 3 lect. hr./wk.; 3 cr

45100 Movement and Muscle: The Neuroscience of Motor Control

The function and organization of motor systems. Topics include bio mechanics, muscle organization and physiology, the neural activation of muscle, spinal and brainstem reflexes, locomotion, the control of arm and eye movement, motor planning, motor learning. Not open to students who have taken Bio 40000 or Bio 31311. PreReq,: Bio20700 or Bio 35400 or permission of instructor, 3 hr/wk,: 3 cr 

45300: Conservation Biology

Principles of conservation biology, including habitat fragmentation, exploitation of natural resources, species extinction and the consequences of inbreeding in small populations. Prereq.: Bio 22800 or equivalent. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.

45400: Sensory Perception

Different types of sensory systems with their functional modalities will be presented.  The biological bases for how these functions are generated and modified will then be described.  As vision is the principal means of perception, we will focus in this course most on visual processing.  Scientific data will be integrated into the lectures, such that students develop critical skills in analyzing data and proposing hypotheses.  Prereq.:Bio 364. 2 HR./WK.; 3 CR.

45500: Advanced Ecology

Introduction to the analytical techniques necessary to quantify modern ecological theory. Emphasis on application of mathematical tools and computers to models of population growth, interspecific interactions and ecosystem function. Prereq.: Bio 22800 and Math 20900. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.

45800: Introduction to Biogeography

45900: Biological Oceanography

A survey course in biological oceanography that includes discussion of the physical and chemical properties of the ocean, processes controlling primary and secondary production, biodiversity, and special environments such as polar ecosystems and upwelling systems. Lecture only. Prereq.: Chem 10401, Bio 22800 or permission of the instructor. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.

46000: Animal Behavior

The biological bases of behavior, with emphasis on such topics as the development, evolution, genetics and ecology

46600: Plant Physiology

The growth, development, metabolism, nutrition and water relations of vascular plants and algae. Prereq.: Bio 22900. (W) 2 LECT., 4 LAB. HR./WK.; 4 CR.

48300: Laboratory in Biotechnology

Introduction to DNA isolation, restriction mapping, gene cloning in plasmids and viruses, construction of libraries and other techniques of gene manipulation. Emphasis will be on application of recombinant DNA technology. Prereq.: Bio 22900 and permission of instructor. (W) 2 LECT., 6 LAB. HR./WK.; 5 CR.

48500: Evolution

Historical development and current understanding of the principles of evolution. Prereq.: Bio 22800. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.

HONORS AND SPECIAL COURSES The maximum for both Honors and Independent Studies is nine credits but only six may count toward the 39 required for the major.

30100-30300: Honors I-III

Honors work requires the approval of the Dean, of the Departmental Committee on Honors and Independent Studies and of the mentor. Application must be made in J1320 and also to the Departmental Committee. Entrance standards are Bio 10100, 10200, 20600, and at least two of 20700, 22800, or 22900 for Biology majors with an average of 3.5 in Biology and 3.0 or better overall. Only laboratory or field projects will be accepted for Honors. All students participating are expected to present the results of their work at the Honors and Independent study symposium in the Spring. A written paper must accompany the presentation. Although mentors are responsible for giving grades, these grades will be reviewed by the Committee before a final grade is awarded. 3 CR./SEM. FOR A TOTAL OF 9 CR. WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED.

31000: Independent Study

Individual laboratory, field, or library investigation of a problem. Recommended background: Bio 10100, 10200, 20600, and at least two of 20700, 22800 or 22900, with a 3.0 average in Biology. Apply to the Committee on Honors and Independent Studies. Students may not register for Independent Study without written permission from the Committee every semester. Students must present a written proposal with well defined goals to the committee for approval. No more than three credits of library research may be taken. In order to receive credit, a written paper must be produced and presented to the Committee. Students who work with mentors outside the department must also have a co-sponsor inside the department. Although mentors are primarily responsible for giving grades, these grades will be reviewed by the Committee before a final grade is awarded. 1-3 CR./SEM.

Last Updated: 01/29/2024 09:54