Biology Fast Facts
courses we offer in an academic year
students majoring in our department
publications over the past 3 years
presentations over the past 3 years
CCNY faculty are on the cutting edge of research in topics as diverse as global biodiversity, genetic links between diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, or how the immune system fights pathogens. Students mentored in their labs have traveled as far afield as the Galapagos Islands, tracing the footsteps of Charles Darwin, and as close to home as Harlem, studying health disparities in this changing neighborhood. The Biology and Biotechnology programs each offer B.S. and M.S degrees, as well as combined B.S./M.S. programs. The Biology Ph.D. is offered jointly by the City University of New York and City College, with areas of specialization in molecular/cellular/developmental biology, neurobiology, and ecology and evolutionary biology.
Stay in Touch
Please fill out this google form to stay in touch with the Department of Biology and receive event information as well as our annual newsletter.
Faculty Spotlight
Dr. Tadmiri Venkatesh joined the Department of Biology at CCNY in the 1992. Read more.
Student Spotlight
Check out our student features, including the recently graduated Nia Brown-Fonrose. Read More.
In Honor of Our Beloved Colleague
Please read a newsletter feature we did of Hector Fermin. Read more
Contact Information
Marshak Science Building
Room 526
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.6800
f: 212.650.8585
Virtual Office Hours
Mondays: 10am-12pm and 4pm-6pm
Tuesdays: 2pm-6pm
Wednesdays: 8am-12pm
Thursdays: 12:30pm-5pm
Fridays: 3:30pm-5pm
Zoom: https://ccny.zoom.us/j/
Phone #/Meeting ID: 2126506800
Password: GoBioGo!
Email: Biology@ccny.cuny.edu
Additional CCNY Resources
- Advising
- Accessibility Center
- Bursar
- Counseling Center
- Financial Aid Department
- Financial Aid Secure Portal
- Health and Wellness Services
- Financial Aid Department
- IT Service Desk
- Registrar
- Student Health Services and The COVID-19 Outbreak
- Student Life and Leadership Development
- Public Safety
- Writing Center