Dr. Luana Ferreira

      CUNY DSI Research Fellow

Dr. Luana Ferreira
   Dr. Luana Ferreira

Dr. Luana Ferreira is a linguist and educator currently serving as the Director of Student Affairs at the Bronx Educational Opportunity Center, SUNY. Most recently, Ferreira is the author of Densidad léxica en la prensa hispánica de los EE. UU. e Hispanoamérica: un estudio comparativo published by Editorial Pliegos in 2021. As a 2022 CUNY DSI Research Fellow, Dr. Ferreira will directly engage the following observation put forth by Philosopher and Essayist Pedro Henríquez Ureña in the 1940’s, which contends that Dominican Spanish  “presenta como rasgos distintivos la conservación de la lengua tradicional con matices antiguos y hasta arcaicos más abundantes que en ningún otro país del Nuevo Mundo.” Dr. Ferreira’s project, Don Quixote de La Mancha: Resonancias léxicas y fraseológicas en el español dominicano actual, examines the persistence of XVII century Spanish linguistics in contemporary Dominican Spanish, both in the Dominican Republic and in the U.S.

Last Updated: 05/08/2023 12:09