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Dear Members and Friends of the City College Community: Thank you to all members of our community who participated in the June 25, 2024 Primary Election.

New York Election Results:


Register to Vote - Forms and Resources

An accessible version of the New York State Voter Registration Form is available online. Completed forms must be printed, signed, dated, and mailed to the county board of elections.

Who Can Register to Vote?

  • To be eligible to register to vote you must:
  • Be a United States citizen;
  • Be 18 years old by December 31 of the year in which you file this form (note: you must be 18 years old by the date of the general, primary or other election in which you want to vote);
  • Be a resident of this state and the county, city or village for at least 30 days before the election;
  • Not be in prison or on parole for a felony conviction (unless parolee pardoned or restored rights of citizenship);
  • Not be adjudged mentally incompetent by a court;
  • Not claim the right to vote elsewhere


Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) was first implemented in 2021 when 73.5% of NYC voters selected this system in a 2019 ballot referendum for special and primary elections for Mayor, Comptroller, Public Advocate, City Council and Borough Presidents offices. For the 2023 primary elections, RCV will be the voting system for City Council offices only.

With RCV:

  • all NYC voters will vote for their top five candidates in order of preference
  • any candidate must win more than 50% of the vote to win an election

When no candidate in an election for a local office wins more than 50% of the vote:

  • votes are then counted in rounds
  • each round, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated
  • if your highest rated candidate is eliminated, your vote will move to your next highest rated candidate
  • rounds will continue, eliminating candidates with the lowest votes, until a candidate receives more than 50% of votes

With this new system, a winning candidate better reflects voters’ preferences because they are able to rank and support multiple candidates.

Visit NYC Campaign Finance Board for more info.

For information on Ranked Choice Voting, please use the following links:

Here are some helpful videos:

CUNY Votes

CUNY VOTES is a comprehensive, non-partisan initiative whose mission is to promote student voter registration, voter participation and voter awareness through campus-based activities, external partnerships and University-wide campaigns.

A How-To Guide for Registration to Vote - CUNY

We Power NYC Image

Citizenship Assistance

CUNY Citizenship Now! provides free, high quality, and confidential immigration law services to help individuals and families on their path to U.S. citizenship. Our attorneys and paralegals offer one-on-one consultations to assess participants’ eligibility for legal benefits and assist them in applying when qualified.

Last Updated: 07/05/2024 13:01