Review Committee Minutes - May 9, 2018

Review Committee Minutes
May 9, 2018
9:30 am

Present: G. Barabino, D. Cintrón, M. Driscoll, K. Foster, G. Gebert, D. Jeruzalmi, E. Koch, F. Lam, T. Liss, R. Menon, J. Mercado, D. Mozeleski, V.P. Nair, T. Scala, M. Strzeszewski, W. Thornton, M. Trevisan, K. Witherspoon, L. Zinnanti

Excused: C. Stewart

  1. Minutes

    The Minutes of the meeting of March 28, 2018 were approved with one correction: Dean Nair was present at the March 28 meeting.

    1. Len Zinnanti and Felix Lam gave a short budget update. It is still anticipated that 1M will be available for new hiring in FY19.
  2. Review of Charge to Review Committee (College-wide P&B)

    Provost Liss gave a presentation and led a discussion on how the Review Committee can enact the charge to the body in Article V of the CCNY governance plan:
    The functions of the Committee shall be to advise the President with respect to:

    1. recommendation for appointments and reappointments;
    2. recommendation for the conferring of tenure;
    3. recommendation for promotions in rank;
    4. personnel recommendations, policies and procedures; and
    5. proposals and policies having budgetary implications.”

    The presentation was accompanied by the PowerPoint deck: “Budget Allocation for Hiring.”
    Provost Liss outlined the materials needed from each area head for this process, and said he would request the following data from the Office of Budget and Finance:

    1. A snapshot of vacancies eligible to be filled (vacancies created after 3/27/17)
    2. A snapshot of lines lost (vacancies existing prior to 3/27/2017)

    Questions and concerns raised included:

    1. Timeline for body’s deliberations on hiring, as new searches would need to commence in September
    2. How to address areas that were not sufficiently resourced to begin with before the snapshot, ie. doctoral programs.

Last Updated: 08/07/2018 09:11