Moamer Sherhan


Moamer is a senior at the City College of New York. He has a great passion for helping to embolden his community and peers and foster their strengths and likes towards health and the sciences. Throughout the pandemic, Moamer has found many ways to be active, all from setting up tutoring sessions on Zoom of the math and sciences for middle and high schoolers to organizing community drives to supplement nutrition in his community. Having volunteered and worked in positions that exposed him to all types of people has given him a knack for understanding people, which he plans to put to use in his future endeavors in both volunteerism and his pursuit of a career in medicine.

In his final year at CCNY, Moamer holds the position of president in the Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) biological honors society, where he plans to continue empowering his peers and promoting a live for both science and health.

Last Updated: 04/01/2024 10:44