BME @ CCNY has begun to distribute a bi-yearly newsletter!
Please access our inaugural Fall 2024 newsletter here!
January 14, 2025
Biomedical engineering Professor Alessandra Carriero is the recipient of an NIH grant to study TMEM38B mutation in brittle bone disease.
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a rare disease related to defects in collagen type I - the most abundant component of bone - that are caused by mutations in several genes, including the dark gene TMEM38B encoding TRIC-B, a potassium channel present in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, the intracellular organelle where collagen type I is synthesized. How a potassium channel is responsible for a heritable bone disease is puzzling the field.
This NIH grant is enabling Dr. Carriero and her Italian collaborators in Dr. Antonella Forlino’s lab at the University of Pavia, to study a skeletal consequence of mutant TRIC-B in the function of the osteoblasts, the bone forming cells, and on bone fragility to identify a target for therapy in Osteogenesis imperfecta, a disease still with no cure.
December 15, 2024
The lab of Professor Ryan Williams has recently published 2 new manuscripts on translational nanosensor design. One paper, published in Advanced NanoBiomed Research, worked with a pathologist at MSKCC to design sensors for rapid breast cancer patient sample phenotypic screening. The other was a comprehensive review article, published in ACS Nano, focused on methods to engineer fluorescent sensors for in vivo use. Congrats team!
November 17, 2024
Divyani Sitaldin, an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Bingmei Fu's lab won a Poster Presentation Award in Physics, Math, and Engineering at the Annual ABRCMS Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. Congrats Divyani!
November 13, 2024
BME was proud to host Dr. Bin He for our 2024 Zweifach Lecture. Dr. He is the Carnegie Mellon University Trustee Professor of Biomedical Engineering and a Professor of the Neuroscience Institute, as well as a Fellow of the IAMBE, NAI, AIMBE, BMES, and IEEE. The Lecture was titled "Dynamic Brain Mapping and Brain-Computer Interface".
October 30, 2024
The Williams Lab has received a new 5 year/$1.96 M total cost award to complete a Full Project as part of the new CUNY MED New York Center for Minority Health, Equity, and Social Justice! The project will focus on the development of novel therapeutic nanoparticles to treat glomerular renal diseases that disproportionately affect minority populations. The lab will collaborate with Dr. Edgar Jaimes at MSKCC and Drs. Kirk Campbell and Jenny Wong at Mt. Sinai. Congrats team!
October 26, 2024
CCNY BME had an excellent conference at the 2024 BMES Annual Meeting! We were very proud to represent our college with a booth, 30 attendees, 8 posters, and 6 talks. We met many old and new friends and hopefully did a lot of recruiting! Thanks to Brian Avila Klein for organizing the booth!
October 15, 2024
4th year BME PhD student Amelia Ryan of the Williams Lab won an award for her oral presentation at the 2nd annual CUNY-wide NanoBioNYC research symposium! Congrats Amelia!
September 14, 2024
A team of CCNY BME undergrads recently won the inaugural Pfizer Digital Hackathon! The team developed novel hardware and software solutions over 10 days to improve maternal health. Congrats team!
September 4, 2024
BME @ CCNY is excited to share that Professor Rezwan Ahmed was recently hired into a full-time position as Lecturer within the department! Professor Ahmed has been teaching both Senior Design and Experimental Methods in the department for two years and we are lucky to have him remain with us! Professor Ahmed earned his PhD in our department in Professor Sihong Wang's lab, and he completed his undergraduate studies with us as well. Congrats!
August 28, 2024
As we start our Fall 2024 semester, we are excited to welcome back our returning students and for new students to join us! We are especially excited for our 10th MTM Cohort, which is twice the size of last year's group.
August 4, 2024
This past week, Professor Marom Bikson hosted the 2024 NYC Neuromodulation Conference on the CCNY Campus. This 5-day conference brought in world leaders and experts in the field of neuromodulation and was a big success!
June 27, 2024
The Williams Lab published a new manuscript in ACS Sensors. Find it open access here thanks to support from CUNY Libraries. The work, led by BME PhD student Amelia Ryan, engineered a fluorescent nanosensor to detect inflammatory cytokines which they used to monitor bacterial activation of macrophages!
June 6, 2024
The Williams Lab celebrated the graduation of Chemistry Program PhD Student Pooja Gaikwad at Lincoln Center as part of the CUNY Graduate Center ceremony!
May 31, 2024
BME faculty and students attend the main commencement ceremony on the south lawn. The faculty were excited to support our graduates! Pictured (L to R) are Professors S. Fritton, C Fritton, Williams, Dmochowski, Wang, and Fu
May 30, 2024
Drs. Madsen and Parra recently published a new manuscript in Cell reports! The exciting new study uncovered the relationship between neural signaling and physiological signaling in the heart and other organs during storytelling. Nice work team!
May 21, 2024
We hosted our annual BME Day! Our seniors presented their senior design projects, graduate students presented posters on their research, and we held our awards ceremony--congratulations to all of our winners!
Archived News, older than one year, can be found here
Last Updated: 01/14/2025 08:27