BME Degree Information


Our undergraduate curriculum provides depth by offering a solid foundation in mathematics, physical sciences, and biology. The program provides breadth by covering all traditional areas in BME. Innovative instruction methods integrate experimental coursework, lectures, and mathematical modeling of biological systems. Courses feature both problem-solving components as well as vital hands-on laboratory training. Biomedical engineering design is also an important focus of the program. The senior year includes a comprehensive design course, which incorporates real-world problems provided by hospital and industry partners.

If you wish to join our program, APPLY HERE through the CUNY Admissions system!

For current students:

Scholarships, Internships, and Research Opportunities

  • BME Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in a summer research internship each year. Please click here for some potential leads
  • Need-based scholarships may be available from the department or school. Please discuss with the BME Chairperson, Undergrad Advisor, or your assigned Academic Advisor
  • Other research opportunities may be available by directly contacting a BME faculty member whose research interests you 


Additional Resources

Permission to take graduate courses form - please click here. Complete Part 1, obtain signatures, and email to  

Independent study form - please click here. This is for 1 credit (BME 59100 or BME 59001), 2 credits (BME 59002), and 3 credits (BME 59003). Discuss with a BME faculty mentor of your interest, agree on requirements with mentor, complete the top portion of the form and return to your mentor. The mentor will sign and send to the Registrar's office with you copied.

Get more involved by becoming a member of the Departmental Executive Committee by completing this form

If you are dismissed from the School of Engineering and wish you appeal, you may use this template


Last Updated: 07/25/2024 10:02